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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 06:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 13:24

Before a date with Paul the "wine guy", Monica is teased by her friends, Chandler and Joey, at The Central Perk coffee shop. Ross, Monica's older brother, arrives at the coffee shop, upset after discovering his ex-wife, now a lesbian, has moved out of his apartment to begin a new relationship with her partner. A young woman suddenly arrives wearing a wet wedding dress, whom Monica recognizes as her high school best friend, Rachel. Monica introces her to the others as Rachel reveals she left her fiancé at the altar. After Rachel's father denies her financial assistance, Monica reluctantly takes Rachel in as a new roommate.

Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler console Ross while helping him assemble new furniture. Ross begins to wonder if any woman would be "the right one" for him. Monica goes on her first date with Paul, and while he seems decent and respectful, she discovers from a colleague that he has a bad reputation as a womanizer, ending her hopes that she will find a mate. Ross realizes that Rachel could be the beginning of a new hope for him. He successfully brings up the idea to Rachel of asking her out sometime, and later confesses to Monica about the potential relationship.

In the final scene, the entire group are in Central Perk having coffee with Rachel, who begins a new career as a coffee shop waitress.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 13:25

Ross finally met his soul mate, and five others.
开玩笑的最简写 第一集交代了故事基础背景真要写的话得写个几百字呢
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