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怎么查windows schedule task log

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 22:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 08:51

最基本的系统进程: smss.exe Session Manager csrss.exe 子系统服务器进程 winlogon.exe 管理用户登录 services.exe 包含很多系统服务 lsass.exe 管理 IP 安全策略以及启动 ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) 和 IP 安全驱动程序。(系统服务) 产生会话密钥以及授予用于交互式客户/服务器验证的服务凭据(ticket)。(系统服务) svchost.exe 包含很多系统服务 SPOOLSV.EXE 将文件加载到内存中以便迟后打印。(系统服务) explorer.exe 资源管理器 internat.exe 托盘区的拼音图标 附加的系统进程(如果不是必要的应该关掉) mstask.exe 允许程序在指定时间运行。(系统服务) regsvc.exe 允许远程注册表操作。(系统服务) winmgmt.exe 提供系统管理信息(系统服务)。 inetinfo.exe 通过 Internet 信息服务的管理单元提供 FTP 连接和管理。(系统服务) tlntsvr.exe 允许远程用户登录到系统并且使用命令行运行控制台程序。(系统服务) 允许通过 Internet 信息服务的管理单元管理 Web 和 FTP 服务。(系统服务) tftpd.exe 实现 TFTP Internet 标准。该标准不要求用户名和密码。远程安装服务的一种(系统服务) termsrv.exe 提供多会话环境允许客户端设备访问虚拟的 Windows 2000 Professional 桌面会话 以及运行在服务器上的基于 Windows 的程序。(系统服务) dns.exe 应答对域名系统(DNS)名称的查询和更新请求。(系统服务) 系统进程列表 1、system process - system process - Process Information Process File: system process or system process Process Name: Windows Memory Handler System Process Description: The Windows Memory Handler System Process zeroes any free pages of RAM and is the only process with priority 0 Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 2、alg - alg.exe - Process Information Process File: alg or alg.exe Process Name: Application Layer Gateway Service Description: The Application Layer Gateway Service is Used for Internet Connection Sharing Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 3、csrss - csrss.exe - Process Information Process File: csrss or csrss.exe Process Name: Client/Server Runtime Server Subsystem Description: The Windows Client Server Runtime Subsystem handles Windows and Graphics Functions for all Subsystems Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 4、ddhelp - ddhelp.exe - Process Information Process File: ddhelp or ddhelp.exe Process Name: DirectDraw Helper Description: DirectDraw Helper is part of DirectX and is used for graphics related services Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 5、dllhost - dllhost.exe - Process Information Process File: dllhost or dllhost.exe Process Name: DCOM DLL Host Process Description: The DCOM DLL Host process supports DLL based COM objects and is used by many Windows programs Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 6、explorer - explorer.exe - Process Information Process File: explorer or explorer.exe Process Name: Program Manager Description: The Windows Program Manager or Windows Explorer handles the Windows Graphical Shell including the Start-menu, Taskbar, Desktop and File Manager Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 7、inetinfo - inetinfo.exe - Process Information Process File: inetinfo or inetinfo.exe Process Name: IIS Admin Service Helper Description: InetInfo is Part of Microsoft Internet Infomation Services (IIS) and is used for debugging Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 8、internat - internat.exe - Process Information Process File: internat or internat.exe Process Name: Input Locales Description: The Input Locales Traybar icon is used to change regional settings such as Keyboard type, Currency or Date Format Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 9、kernel32 - kernel32.dll - Process Information Process File: kernel32 or kernel32.dll Process Name: Windows Kernel Process Description: The Windows Kernel provides System Services for managing Threads, Memory, and Resources Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 10、lsass - lsass.exe - Process Information Process File: lsass or lsass.exe Process Name: Local Security Authority Service Description: The Windows Local Security Authority Server Process Handles Windows Security Mechanisms Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 11、mdm - mdm.exe - Process Information Process File: mdm or mdm.exe Process Name: Machine Debug Manager Description: The Machine Debug Manager is used for Debugging Applications and is Installed by the Microsoft Script Editor which is included in Microsoft Office Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 12、mmtask - mmtask.tsk - Process Information Process File: mmtask or mmtask.tsk Process Name: Multimedia Support Task Description: The Windows Multimedia Background Task Support Mole handles multimedia services like MIDI Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 13、mprexe - mprexe.exe - Process Information Process File: mprexe or mprexe.exe Process Name: Windows Routing ProcessThe Windows Routing Process Routes incoming network requests to the appropriate network provider Description: Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 14、msgsrv32 - msgsrv32.exe - Process Information Process File: msgsrv32 or msgsrv32.exe Process Name: Windows Message Server Description: The Windows Message Server Loads Windows Drivers and the Program Manager at start up Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 15、mstask - mstask.exe - Process Information Process File: mstask or mstask.exe Process Name: Windows Task Scheler Description: The Windows Task Scheler is used to schele tasks such at backups or updates to run at certain times or dates Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 16、regsvc - regsvc.exe - Process Information Process File: regsvc or regsvc.exe Process Name: Remote Registry Service Description: The Remote Registry Service allows Access to the Windows Registry from Remote Computers Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 17、rpcss - rpcss.exe - Process Information Process File: rpcss or rpcss.exe Process Name: RPC Portmapper Description: The Windows RPC portmapper process handles RPC-calls (Remote Procere Calls) and maps them to the appropriate service provider Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 18、services - services.exe - Process Information Process File: services or services.exe Process Name: Windows Service Controller Description: Managers Windows Services Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 19、smss - smss.exe - Process Information Process File: smss or smss.exe Process Name: Session Manager Subsystem Description: The Session Manager Subsystem initializes system environment variables, MS-DOS devices names such as LPT1 and COM1肠籂斑饺职祭办熄暴陇, loads the kernel for the Win32 subsystem, and starts the Windows Logon Process Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 20、snmp - snmp.exe - Process Information Process File: snmp or snmp.exe Process Name: Microsoft SNMP Agent Description: The Windows Simple Network Managment Protocol (SNMP) Agent is a proxy that listens for requests and hands them off to the appropriate network provider Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 21、spool32 - spool32.exe - Process Information Process File: spool32 or spool32.exe Process Name: Printer Spooler Description: The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is ready Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 22、spoolsv - spoolsv.exe - Process Information Process File: spoolsv or spoolsv.exe Process Name: Printer Spooler Service Description: The Windows Printer Spooler stores printer jobs and forwards them to the printer when it is ready Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 23、stisvc - stisvc.exe - Process Information Process File: stisvc or stisvc.exe Process Name: Still Image Service Description: The Still Image Service handles scanners and digital cameras and is installed by Windows if a Scanner or Camera is connected to the computer Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 24、svchost - svchost.exe - Process Information Process File: svchost or svchost.exe Process Name: Service Host Process Description: The Service Host Process is generic host process for services that are run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 25、taskmon - taskmon.exe - Process Information Process File: taskmon or taskmon.exe Process Name: Windows Task Optimizer Description: The Windows Task Optimizer monitors how often you use a program and is used by defrag to optimize the harddisk for loading commonly used programs Common Errors: N/A System Process: Yes 26、tcpsvcs - tcpsvcs.exe - Process Information Process File: tcpsvcs or tcpsvcs.exe Process Name: TCP/IP Services Description: The TCP/IP Services Application supports network and internet communication through TCP/IP Common Errors: N
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