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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 18:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 06:39

Charlotte's novel Jane eyre by. Subject is novel, feelings are sincere, fascinating. Novel wrote a dare to break through heavy block to do the indivial freedom and happiness rebellious female. At the time of the British caused a strong reaction.

In at lowood boarding schools, face "punishment to save the souls" flesh of school life, Jane eyre not only oneself to resist, also incited others struggle, when Abram, friends, girlfriend sea was beaten, Jane eyre said to her, "if she used the root blade hit me, I will take it from her hand, and taken away to break it." These sent Jane eyre don't give in to pressure for yourself, dare to fight right as the character out of the full performance. With those satisfy the present situation, timid schoolmates, formed a striking contrast.

Jane eyre in order to pursue independence, freedom, equality of life came to SangEn reinfeldt's made a landlord ROM deed sandhust home tutor, with their own labor income obtained financial independence. Jane eyre and ROM deed sandhust because ideological consensus, together into the holy church wedding, but suddenly someone said the man married his wife for mad locked in the attic chamber, according to the law, in late marriage before the termination, can no longer get married, for Jane eyre can be said to be a thunderbolt, but she in order to maintain his holiness and dignity, opted to leave ROM deed, interrupt the sandhust love.

In ze land room, Jane is st. John sibling shelter to, I later found out that, their relatives, but I knew she was abroad, leaving his uncle died a large legacy for her, poor girl into a female rich overnight, John asked her to marry him, she flatly refused to, and the heritage with cousin, cousin divided and all this full performance Jane eyre about money and love attitude, keep her lofty image sublimation to a new realm.

Jane SangEn reinfeldt's careful back, and saw it ruins, in the boundless huge crowd, Jane eyre found the downfall of ROM deed handicapping sandhust, a pair of lovers drought-stricken vicissitudes valentine, completing the entire novel points clear of the pen, perfectly shaped a dare to fight for freedom and happiness, treat money like dirt to love persistent pursuit of women.

Jane eyre by express ideas, build character artistic techniques are unique, the first in the psychological description on moving, real heroine Jane eyre by poverty has fueled reproach pain mood, drift friendless unrest in the life, especially going to get happiness, and lost a severe blow to my inner feelings through her expresses a kind of tore heart emotion. Once again, is the clever pen of contrast methods, Jane eyre with his schoolmates, contrast dare to resist, a sweet. When the priest to student big talk to section, Jane was his daughter and wife was wearing gorgeous dresses appeared in the people's presence, it is not only for the a loud slap in the capitalist society, also is to criticize and expose.

Jane eyre campaigning for independent personality but struggle, represented by the excellent quality, are all make people praise, but this novel also has some shortcomings, bolide from legacy, make Jane eyre from a poor poor girl became has a large number of rich heritage of female, suggesting that the author of the capitalist society still exist fantasy, such illusions will only paralysis people, makes some poor people in thought consign a hope, hope someday heaven can drop down a bag of money just fall into their own feet.

Nonetheless, Jane eyre by this novel is still a bestseller, the capitalist society were naked criticizing and exposure, successfully built a dare to fight, fight for personal freedom and happiness of treacherous female.
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