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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-24 23:07



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:42

1.i have a pen pal .
my pen pal was a 17 years' old girl.
my pen pal ofen give many courage and good ideas
this is a letter from my pen pal in england.
pen pal makes my life full of sunshine .
a good pen pal can also be a good teacher .
in my dream ,my pen pal become my wife .
what do you like my pen pal ?
how do you think my new pen pal ?
there is a email from my pen pal.
2.there are many palaces of interest inguiyang .
huang guoshu is one of the greatest waterfall in the world.
huang guoshu lies in the southwest of guiyang .
huang guoshu is thought to be one of the most beautiful palace in china by european visitors
hua xi belongs to guiyang city
hua xi is called to be love rive
the weather of guiyang is so good.
can you tell me some famous palaces of gui yang ?
weast hill park is as famous as east hill park in gui yang .
3the weather of gui yang is relatively hot
it is a good place to enjoy the sunshine
there is sometimes little rain ,sometimes storm .
the air in gui yang is clear .
the air smells fresh
in the raining season gui yang is full of rain water .
when gui yang is hot ,it is like a big steam pan .
gui yang is famous for its continous rain all days in raining seasion
all kinds of trees makes guiyang's air clean
the polution of cars makes the air dirty .
4the best place for your vacation is huang guoshu .
it is a pity if you missed visiting huang guoshu.
huang guoshu is famous for its waterfall.
you can play with water there .
it is the your best choice to go to huang guoshu with your family.
it is a miracle in the world .
where are you going to spend in on your vacation ?
you will spend your best time there
see you at huang guoshu !
5my favorate food is chou doufu ,it tasts good though it has bad smell ,i prefer this food to others because it has a vitue like man ,the superficial is less important than inner quanlity.chou doufu is the cheap ,it makes my leisure time happy ,satisfactory.
if you have never eaten chou dou fu , have a try ,please!


热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:43

My pen pal is from Australia,he is a handsome boy,and he is also my friend's classmate.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:43

hln2815 说的挺全的.
5、Talking about your favorite food .
my favourite food is obviously rat,it sound disguisting but it taste nice.
once my famliy barbecued a gaint rat.
sometimes we eat rat and cat togather,yummmmm........
rat's tale taste unbelievably delicious.
rat's bone is very soft and crunchy.
anyway,for me rat is outstanding.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:44


1.My pen pal is from Beijing!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:44


热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:45

My favourite food is chicken.There are many nutritions in the chickens.I like eating chicken leg best.I think it is very delicious. It is good for my health.It can help me strong.I often eat chickens once a week.When I eat chickens ,I am very happy.I think chicken is the best food.
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