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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 05:18



热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 14:02

The first award ceremony for “One Hundred Virtuous Teenagers” and the “Ten Virtuous Teenager Models” of Jiangsu province was held in Suzhou, East Chinas Jiangsu province, on Feb 2, 2012. Guan Zhongpei, a 13-year-old girl from Yangzhou, was honored as one of the “Ten Virtuous Teenager Models”.

  One of the hot topics for those earning the virtuous teen honor was whether to help an elderly person who had fallen. Despite opposition from passers-by, a little girl wearing her hair in a ponytail raised an 85-year-old liuxue86.com man from the ground and escorted him to a hospital. She was named “the most beautiful middle school student” by netizens.

  On Sept 6, 2011, Guan Zhongpei went home for lunch from school via electric bicycle. On her way home, she found a pasty-faced old man lying by the road with a pained look on his face. A lot of people crowded around, but none of them dared to lend him a hand.

  Without a second thought, Guan Zhongpei went to help the old man up. Some of the onlookers reminded her, “Don’t help him up, otherwise you will get yourself into trouble.”

  “My family members also need the support from others if they fall down,” said Guan Zhongpei. “And my schoolmates will also offer a helping hand if they encounter such cases.”

您好。最美高中生:例如:The first award ceremony for “One Hundred Virtuous Teenagers” and the “Ten Virtuous Teenager Models” of Jiangsu province was held in Suzhou, East Chinas Jiangsu province, on Feb 2, 2012. Guan Zhongpei, a 13-year-old girl from Yangzhou, was honored as...

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