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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 19:44



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 07:05

As we can see from the chart that the two most shared market part are in USA which is 30% and Europe 40%. That is to say those two districts will be important that we pay attention to in our future market expansion plan. Also you can see that there are Japan 15%, Australia 10% and Africa 5%, though they don't share that much but it doesn't mean we should care less, as Japan the 3rd biggest economic country in the world also an important port for Asia, we can expect more growth there;Australia, an isolated island, we can take most of the control there if we raise our share there;For Africa, developing expectation as the 3rd world countries, may deserve something more. So all in all, keep the good share in the former 2 and try our best to expand the latter 3.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 07:06

The pie chart shows the market share of MEX company. Their profit is contributed by the market of Euope, USA, Japan, Australia and Africa.The most income was from Euope which occupied 40% of all while africa market only contributed 5% which was the least.About the others, USA market offered 30%, Janpan supplied 15% and Australia gave out 10%.
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