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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 17:24



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 17:34

As a teacher to be, I am deeply aware of the significant responsibility on my shoulders. While ensuring a distinct grade of my major, I also attached great importance to the improvement of comprehensive quality. Through actively participating in extra-curriculum activities, not only was my after-school-life enriched but the skills were also enhanced including communication, adapting to a new environment and starting and maintaining pleasant relationship with other people.

Yesterday, no matter how remarkable the achievements were, has become history. Today, confronted with fierce competition, only through hard work in a steadfast and dedicated manner can I embrace the bright success of tomorrow.

To remain competent, I must constantly explore and exploit my potential capability. In spite of that I am not perfect, I am fully confident with myself. “Dare to innovate, dare to explore. ” represents my conviction for ecation the glorious cause to which I will devote all my youth and wisdom without regret or reserve.

With overwhelming courage and faith I am ready to take on all the challenges and opportunities ahead on my path of life.

I believe that I am born to be a talent contributing to the society and that I will realize my dream.

本人持有高级口译证书 楼主相信我啊~

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 17:34

Distinguished leadership:

Hello! Thank you for taking the time out to read my Zi Jianxin.

I am a University of Foreign Studies Department of vocational graates, the school is a professional English ecation, job-seekers primary school English teachers for the post. I am very ordinary, but I am not willing to mediocrity. While studying at the school, not only to learn the expertise to seriously study the ecation, psychology and related disciplines, with a certain amount of capacity.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 17:35

Respect leadership: hello! Thanks you to extract the time to read me while being busy from the letter of recommendation. I am the Foreign Studies University quality department graate, studies specialized is English ecation, seeks employment a your school elementary school teacher of English ty. I am very ordinary, but I am not resigned to mediocrely. In school period, not only has studied the specialized knowledge, has studied the pedagogy earnestly, the psychology as well as the related discipline, has had certain ability

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 17:35

Dear Sir,

Many thanks for your time to read my recommendation letter.

I graated from Foreign Studies Department, and my major is English ecation. Now I sincerely apply for the position as an enligsh teacher.

I am Ordinary People, but I believe I can make a different. I not only learned professional knowledge, but pedagogics, psychology and other related subjects, so I have abilities to a certain extent.

Best Regards,

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 17:36


I am a graate from High Vocational Department of Foreign Studies University. My speciality is English ecation. I want to hunt the job of primary school English teacher. I am not willing to be mediocrity as I am ordinary. During study at school, I am not only to learn the expertise, but also to study the pedagogy, psychology and related disciplines, with a certain amount of capacity. As a people’s teachers with important responsibility, I do my best to courses of study. Meanwhile, I pay more attention to improve the overall quality and actively participate in school activities. That not only enriched the life of extra-curricular, but also exercised my language competence, adaptive faculty an elective affinities. I know that yesterday to be history. In the competitive today, we should down-to-earth and persist in efforts to catch the success. It need continue to foster your capability and improve the potential inherent in order to make yourself invincible. Perhaps I am not perfect, but I am very confident about the status of the teaching profession. I will do my best to impart all of my knowledge to the students. 'to be creative and have the courage to open up' is my persistent pursuit.
The road ahead is full of opportunities and challenges. I am pride of intense, full of fighting spirit, ready to meet. I am convinced of that: Everybody can do something. It takes the one to have the other.

Dear Mrs/Mr,Thank you for reading this self recommendation letter.尊敬的女士/先生:感谢您抽空阅读我的自荐信。My name is 某某. I'm a 2010 graduate of chemical engineering and technology from Sichuan University. During my four-year study in university, I have learned hard to lay so...


I'm a student, but a peer who loves learning, especially math . In elementary school, I in a book called "scientists there is a story" understanding of gauss and PASCAL, and father in life that from time to teach me some mathematical calculation method. From then on, th...


Dear respected leader:Thank you for sparing your precious time to read my resume.I graduated from Baicheng Normal College, Jiling provincei, in 2008. Studying hard for more than a decade, I have enriched my knowledge, improved my self-confidence. Being a college student has made m...


Hello!I am very honored to have such a rare opportunity here to introduce myself, it is taken for a school students, is a great encouragement, I sincerely hope to become a member of your company, and make their own meager strength.I am Shanghai motor college graduates majoring...


My father is a civil servant, and my mother is a business woman.从小父母就带我到处旅游,让我从中学习到了很多知识,视野也更加开阔。They have been taken me to travel for the purpose of opening my eyes and strenghtening my knowledge of the world.更培养了我独立生活的能力和良好的...

高手来帮翻译下 高分回答好有追加

自荐信 Zi Jianxin 尊敬的领导: Distinguished leadership:您好! Hello! 首先向您辛勤的工作致以深深的敬意! First of all your hard work to express my deep respect! 同时也衷心感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门 At the same time, also thank you in...


regret or reserve.With overwhelming courage and faith I am ready to take on all the challenges and opportunities ahead on my path of life.I believe that I am born to be a talent contributing to the society and that I will realize my dream.本人持有高级口译证书 楼主相信我啊~...

速度翻译一篇自荐信!!!急需!!!最 高分求!!!还有加分!!...

and periodicals regularly, among which Around the Globe and Scientific Americans are my favorite, for they can make me feel the magic of science and technology.注:环球时报和科学美国人如果有固定的英语翻译,请将上文中翻译替换掉。猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】...


Respect leadership:Hello!First, extends the deep respect to your industrious work, in spite of being very busy very thanks you to glance through my material. I am an Anhui international commerce Training college country trade department's student, soon faces the graduation. The choosing...


首先,你第一个犯的错误就是那个Dear Boss。外国人是不说“亲爱的老板”的!应该用“Dear Whom This May Concern”,直译是“亲爱的与这个有关系的人”,虽然中文听的便扭,可是你要写的是地道的英文,而不是中国英文啊!剩下的我也不多说了,因为自己比较懒,看了一下楼上别人的,觉得除了nancy...

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