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英文简历中要用到的, 翻译的好的迅速给分。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 15:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 07:47

1, for settlement of cash and banking services, cash and bank deposits registered journals; deal between the end of the month with the bank statement.
2, the audit employee reimbursement, certificate application and prepare accounts;
3, the control of the financial provisions, carefully examine the original documents, timely and accurate registration certificate good accounts and general ledger and ledger and timely report the relevant departments.
4, in accordance with the requirements of companies and government departments and the timely preparation of various financial statements submitted to the relevant departments; preparation, analysis, check the tax-related issues;
5. The end of the cash flow statement and reconciliation of bank balances;
6. Formalities for discounted drafts, invoice financing and other proceres.
7, the credit risk of the sales contract review, proposed assessments, the proposed customer credit and credit limit.
8, to understand sales trends, the credit operations of credit control.
9, accounts receivable management, collections, regular reconciliation, reconciliation of accounts for confirmation.
10 Days sales outstanding, and an analysis report.
11. To provide information on accounts receivable, accounts reminder the company, the audit information, etc.
12. Other matters assigned by superiors

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 07:48

1, deal with cash receipts and bank accounts registration cash and bank deposit journal; Treatment with Banks to between late bills.

2, responsible for employees to submit an expense account reviewing expenses, vouchers preparation and terengganu bill;

Three, controlled about financial regulation, carefully examine the original documents, timely, accurately do accounting vouchers registration general ledger and detail debt, timely report to relevant department.

4, according to company and relevant government departments are required to prepare all kinds of financial statements and submit relevant departments; Preparation, analysis, check the tax related problem;

5. Prepare a cash flow statement and bank balance month reconciliation;

6. Deal with silver ticket discounting formalities, invoice financing formalities.

7, sales contract credit risk audit, puts forward assessment comments, Suggestions customer credit and credit deadline.

8, understand dynamic, to credit sales business credit control.

9, receivable management, collection, regular reconciliation, conction receivable reconciliation letter certificate.

10 and sales year-on-year collection and analysis report.

11. To provide relevant material, with accounts receivable account company, audit material reminders

12. Superior assigned by the other related matters

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