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求助:要写英文商务信函 请大家按我的中文翻译一下 不胜感激

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 20:19



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:53

I've checked the contracts and documents related of recent years,but I didn't find any record of owing IXION 800 Euro.
We deal with IXION very often so we work with each other very well.So we'd never mean to owe their money.

We'll appreciate it that if you notify the IXION of offering us the list of our purchase of that time.We'll pay back money to the account you give if we really owe their money.

We're really sorry for all the troubles to you and IXION!

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:53


In recent years I have looked up the contract and related documents, we still have not found the company owed 800 euros IXION the relevant records. IXION our company and the business has been frequent exchanges, the two sides have maintained good cooperation. Not interested in arrears.

Please inform IXION companies. Requested that we provide them with a list of the purchased parts, we identify if the arrears we will do as soon as possible payment to the account you specify.
We are the result of our omissions and ixion companies to you and apologize for the inconvenience.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:54

In recent years I have looked up the contract and related documents, we still have not found the company owed 800 euros IXION the relevant records. IXION our company and the business has been frequent exchanges, the two sides have maintained good cooperation. Not interested in arrears.

Please inform IXION companies. Requested that we provide them with a list of the purchased parts, we identify if the arrears we will do as soon as possible payment to the account you specify.
We are the result of our omissions and ixion companies to you and apologize for the inconvenience或者是:I've checked the contracts and documents related of recent years,but I didn't find any record of owing IXION 800 Euro.
We deal with IXION very often so we work with each other very well.So we'd never mean to owe their money.

We'll appreciate it that if you notify the IXION of offering us the list of our purchase of that time.We'll pay back money to the account you give if we really owe their money.

We're really sorry for all the troubles to you and IXION!

In recent years I have looked up the contract and related documents, we still have not found the company owed 800 euros IXION the relevant records. IXION our company and the business has been frequent exchanges, the two sides have maintained good cooperation. Not interested in arrears.

Please inform IXION companies. Requested that we provide them with a list of the purchased parts, we identify if the arrears we will do as soon as possible payment to the account you specify.
We are the result of our omissions and ixion companies to you and apologize for the inconvenience.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:54

I have already checked the related contracts and documents of recent years ,however haven't found out any records that we still owe IXION 800 euros.we have been always in frequent business intercourse with IXION.Both are also in good coopertion.we do not mean to it .
We'll appreciate it that if you notify the IXION of offering us the list of our purchase of that time.We'll pay back money to the account you give if we really do as soon as possible.
we are very sorry for the troubles to you and IXION

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:55

In recent years I have looked up the contract and related documents, we still have not found the company owed 800 euros IXION the relevant records. IXION our company and the business has been frequent exchanges, the two sides have maintained good cooperation. Not interested in arrears.
Please inform IXION companies. Requested that we provide them with a list of the purchased parts, we identify if the arrears we will do as soon as possible payment to the account you specify.
We are the result of our omissions and ixion companies to you and apologize for the inconvenience.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 05:56

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