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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 21:43



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 11:44

It has been a long time since I met you last. I miss you very much. How are you recently? Is everything all right in your work?

Well, I don’t know whether you received my previous mails or not. So I’d like to give you a brief introction of myself.

Now I am an intern in the investment bank department of an interior-capital securities firm. I have been an intern there for 3 months and I just passed the tests and gained the working qualification in the investment bank field. I don’t know whether you know about the securities market in China. The total market value of listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange had reached 4.44 trillion, making China the fourth largest securities market in the world. The A-share market in China is regulated by system of approval, that is, a company cannot go public unless there is a sponsor to recommend it. There are 68 securities firms who has the sponsor qualification in A-share market of China. Actually it’s like 68 channels, the management measure is that if one company wants to go public, it must go through one of the channels. Among the 68 securities firms, 7 of them are listed companies, our company is one of them.
If you are interested in the investment banks in China, you can have a tour in our company and make an on-the-spot investigation.
Investment bank can deal with initial public offerings, reorganization and remanufacture of companies and refunding, issuance and consignment-in for public companies. Securities repurchase operation is excluded.

Our company is a state-controlling share-holding company. Unlike French-funded or other foreign funded enterprises, the employing system in our company is quite rigid.

To work in the investment bank market, one must have master’s degree. Otherwise you can only do some basic work no matter how hard you try. Because I’m not an official employee, the travel expenses of the trips paid for investigations cannot be written off by the company. My daily work is to do some researches on the instry in which our target company is, and to collate working sheets. In the meantime I was also involved in a reorganization case of a public company.

Because I don’t have Master’s Degree, I haven’t been accepted as official employee yet, and it’s not necessary here.
Interns in interior-capital companies usually poor paid, especially under the economic crisis. Although the reality is cruel, I still believe in my choice.
Would you please do me a favor and give some suggestion on the outline I sent you. I’ll revise it right away if there is anything inadequate or unsuitable.
5. outline of the body part
1) the macro-economic situation of China and instry status of relevant companies in 2008.
2) Situation of the stock market in China.
3) Panorama of the nationwide reorganization of public companies in 2008.
4) The reorganization of the textile instry in 2008
5) Operation introction of * * securities company and investment bank department.
6) Market environment and position of target company.
7) Reorganization case study: Problem, solution, process, result. Take more than half of the space.
8) Conclusion and prospect

专八笔译* 保证本人逐字逐句翻译 绝非机译 望尊重劳动成果 谢谢

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 11:44

have not seen you for a long time. Miss you very much. You can also right? Smooth it?
Ha ha ~ ~ do not know if I give your hair the mail, you receive not, I give you my introction under the current situation.
I am now in a domestic-funded securities companies to do investment banking department trainee, up to now has been training for three months. I just had a test, securities qualification. In investment banking qualifications.
Do not know you chinese have no understanding of the securities market. In 2007, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange market capitalization of listed companies has exceeded 4.44 trillion U.S. dollars, China became the world's fourth largest securities market. China's A stock market is one of Approval System, is that there must be people recommend listing system sponsors. Across the country have A-share market has sponsors qualified rate securities firms a total of only 68.
Channel are in fact belong to the system, listed management practices. Is the business to be listed through this channel 68.
Among them, the listing of securities companies has 7. Our company is one of a.
If you are interested in understanding of China's investment bank, you can come to my company to visit.
Are apart from investment banking business not repurchase bonds, other including: Enterprise IPO, reorganization, restructuring, refinancing of listed companies, issuers, underwriters, etc. can do.
Our company is holding shares of the country belong to joint-stock enterprises, the personnel system is very rigid, it is different law-funded enterprises, or other foreign-funded enterprises.
In line to vote on this, we must master's degree diploma and above. Otherwise, regardless of your job performance, you can only make some of the most basic job, because there is no entry. Go corporate e diligence and other things there is no way for travel reimbursement, I day-to-day on the job is the analysis of the target business sectors, and organize the working papers, at the same time along with the listed companies to do a reorganization of CASE.
Since there is no evidence that the master's degree. So, it can not formally join the profession. And here is no need to
Treatment of the trainee so very low. And domestic-funded enterprises are the treatment of trainee general relatively low, and under the financial crisis as early as day and night different day. Although the reality is very grim, I still firmly believe that my own choice is correct.
Would you please help me give you an outline distributed to the opinion., Where I'll be right do not meet the requirements to amend.
I wish you good health and every success.
5. The main part of the outline:
1) in 2008 China's macroeconomic situation and involved in the situation of the company's instry
2) China's stock market situation
3) in 2008 listed companies in the reorganization of the national picture
4) the reorganization of the textile instry in 2008 the situation
5) XX securities business profiles, investment banking departments Introction
6) the target company the market environment and market position
7) the reorganization of the case specific analysis: problems, solutions, processes, results, more than half of the contents of at least
8) a summary and outlook

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 11:45

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