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英语作文,80词左右,初三。 假设你是一名已经毕业的初三生,考上了理想高中,今天是开心第一天,写

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 23:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 13:28

The First Day at My Senior High School

Today is September1,2012.It is the
first day of my senior high school.Everything in the school is new to me.
school is very modern. The gate of the school is artistic(艺术的). When you go
through the main gate,you can see a high stadium (体育场)on the left side of the
road, which has a 400-meter runaway and a soccer field with green grass.
Buildings are tall and beautiful. The library is the most attractive building on
the right side of the main road. There are many green trees and colorful flowers
on both sides of the roads. The classrooms are amazing. They are big, clean and
bright. In each classroom, there is a computer and a big screen,through which
our teachers can show us tests,photos, and so on.
In my class, there are 60
students. We don’t know each other, but we are all friendly.Everyone has a smile
on his/her face. When we meet, we always say “Hello”to each other.
Most of
our teachers are young. Some students think young teachers cannot teach well,
but I do not think so. In my opinion,young teachers are very energetic and easy
to make friends with. What’s more, they may have a lot of new teaching
I love my new school very much. I hope, in my new school, I can
learn more from my teachers and make progress together with my classmates
英语作文,80词左右,初三。 假设你是一名已经毕业的初三生,考上了理想...

Today is September1,2012.It is the first day of my senior high school.Everything in the school is new to me.The school is very modern. The gate of the school is artistic(艺术的). When you go through the main gate,you can see a high stadium (体育场)on the left side o...


I can't feel we have entered into grade,the third day of life have bitter tears,happy are sad,every day for us is to write one caboodle don't finish homework,we would like to rebel once,but was right after all but our mom and dad.Alas,such being the case,we will be ...


I'm a middle school student in Grade 9.I'll go to high school to study.I'm very happy to start the high school life.Because I think high school life is colorful.I can take part in lots of activities .So that I can get much more experiences.I'll study hard to get go...


Entering the phase of grade3 in secondary school is a brand new world to me. Life was not as easy as before. I need to be a better person in soul, in mind and in spirit. I became more and more busy due to the heavy load of study. However, I will not give up at ...


in book very well.The third,I will do more execrises.For example,English,Maths,Chinese and so on.To sum up,time is too improtant to let me get a good performance,so action is only one thing I can do!I will action more,less talking.希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

自我介绍英语作文 80词左右 大意是 本人初三 爱好…… 特长 梦想的职 ...

Hello everyone. My name is ... I am a student of Grade nine . I am an outgoing , lovely girl and I am so welcomed by my friends and my classmates.I have a best friend, xiao hai. She is very interesting and lovely too. She often tells funny stories and always make me...


happy life of the junior middle school for three years is over..At this time of the mood is very complex,with the passing years of attachment and the future of the uncertain expectations of a loss,I want to and once together and hard to work hard classmates one one bid fare...


support and our classmates’ help. At this moment, I would like to thank all of you for what you have done for us.I wish our school more beautiful and all of us a wonderful future!Goodbye, our beautiful school, our dear teachers and our friends.Thank you for listening....


I may memorize things by reading letters which my friends or my parents send, but the message in internet will be forgotten. As far as I am concerned, received a handwritten letter will be happer than receiving a QQ message. E-communication for the most part is short of sinceri...


I am very busy doing my homework every day. I study hard ,and I am good at schoolwork, we get up early,and stay up late at night.So I am extremely tired . I want to join music club to make me relax. I hope you can understand me .I will pay more attention to ...

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