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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 22:34



懂视网 时间:2022-06-09 00:10









  Night, I entered the house, I heard the music came out of the study. The original is the father in the song.

  The song has just begun. At the beginning is a burst of flute, faint, long, soothing slowly out of tears. I do not know how, my mind emerge out of a picture of clothes: in a tree swifering pear, a long hair girl is blowing flute, long hair floating in the wind. Flute blown out of the tone, there is a difficult to brush off the sadness.

  The flute was slowly weaker. Suddenly, a thunderous drums, interrupted me. Drums filled with passion, a few times the drums followed by the same excitement, my mind appeared in another picture: in the drums, countless young people in a move to do the martial arts.

  "Pound, boom -" a sound of vibrant voice singing heroic song, the gap is filled with exciting flute, drums.

  When I was shaking his head and kissed with a loud, when the sound more powerful than the previous drums rang, I was shocked. Then, the beginning of the flute and slowly "flow" out, but not so sad, with cheerful bold.

  After the song is finished, the exciting voice is still echoing in my ear.





  A long time ago, there was a place called the mainland, there are many of the kingdom, they have been happy to maintain their own energy. Among them, the music kingdom is the most dynamic of a country. The biennial music evening is hosted by the music princess. Every time the princess chooses a man who is a companion for her from the citizens of the music kingdom. This one thing happened in the 136th Princess - Le Fei's body.

  Water cool and cool is a pair of twins. They heard that the princess was picking a man who was her companion. They were reported together. Water cool body light, is a dance player. And the cool body fat, and will not dance, but very greedy. The queen of the moon is a ruthless witch, she was sealed by seven notes. Only in the blood when the time to break through the door of fantasy, get the key to open the seal door. The day of the ball is the blood of 100 years. But also the moon when the king broke the seal.

  The ball is close to the day and the water is ready to go to the party. While the fire is in the side of the big drink. And the queen of the moon is working with her men to inquire about an evil plan. She wants to rule out the continent. (See how the funeral, see next break down ^ - ^)







  In our side, what will betray, can not music, even if all the people around the world are back, the music will still be whispering with you.

  I have ever asked a philosopher: why today's people still need a week or two of the music soothing? Philosopher A: human evolution is very slow very slow

  So I know, no matter how far away you, those long notes or will be close to your mind, the road of life is not smooth, bumpy and uneven will appear in front of you, but fell in love with music, I can rest assured, because One or two hundred years ago, those who alone on the mind of the music weaver, early thought you spectrum under the comfort phrase.

  In the era of your growth, the rapid development of information so that people's minds, the space alone meditation smaller and smaller, but into the music world, you will dialogue with musicians, learn to think independently, learn to use their own Feel to activate life. Whenever I think of the recent movement in my mind those movements, will also be with you in the future, I am happy, for a life and the soul of the relay!

  Here are a few nice songs to recommend you: after tomorrow, the world ... ...





  Music is an indispensable part of life. It can make people feel happy, open-minded. I think it's like a thick diary that can make people read it slowly; it's like a never-ending well, and when we need it can always give us a trace of coolness; it's like a Mercedes The horse, led us to flee on the vast prairie ... ...

  In the life of all of us, if there is no music, then there will be no color. With music, in the sad when people less flow of tears, should shed tears, become joy, hanging in the eyes, never fall. Listen to music, increase the joy, so that grief from the memory to go out. Whenever I am unhappy, I will listen to some soothing music, so that you can forget all the troubles.

  I like music, like Tchaikovsky said: music is God to the greatest gift of mankind, only music can explain the quiet and quiet.






  I love music, love her beautiful melody, love her sweet voice, love her more light dance notes. As long as I have a relationship with music, she makes me intoxicated. Music is like a dancing butterfly, in the flowers in the floating ah floating ah ... ...

  Whenever I learn tired and play tired, always like to open the VCD to listen to a good song. In this way, my tired and tired feeling suddenly unknowingly burst into the crowd. Music makes people refreshed, music makes people forget to forget themselves.

  I like the lonely one in the dead of night to listen to music, and looked at the hazy night, looking at the sky, dark blue sky, the stars flashing, moonlight, accompanied by this melodious note, in front of this beautiful dream, Is so comfortable, so quiet, so indulge in the music world is how wonderful the United States ah!

  I love music!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:18

My Maths Teacher 我的数学老师
My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She teaches us maths.She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.
Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.
Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.
This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.
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