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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 22:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:16

How many times did you go against the promise? How many times for others didn't deliver on their promise and down? Read the following article and you'll better understand what is the principle of good faith, and why to cherish and follow it. In the professional personnel of to its customers bring about such unnecessary disappointed, not only lawyers. The doctor as such. My former personal doctor Boris because playing tricks on me to I spirit almost mad, according to face his fist. I applied for a large number of life insurance, needs a medical. So I asked the secretary and Boris a doctor's appointment, in the morning to a medical. "Tell him to get to the office at half past eight," the nurse told my secretary, "we will instantly for Mr. ShuKe check!" I ? 10 minutes earlier

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:17

How many times disobeyed his promise do you have? How many times for others did not live up to their commitments disappointed? Read the article below, you will better understand what is the principle of good faith, and why it should be cherished and followed. In the occupation among the people for their clients, cause this kind of unnecessary frustration, not only lawyers. The same is true of doctors. My personal doctor before Boris make fun of me because I was almost crazy with anger, as he punched to the face. I applied for a large number of life insurance, the need for a physical examination. So I let the Secretary and Boris a doctor's appointment, the beginning of the morning physical examination. " Tell him to the office at eight thirty," the nurse told my secretary," we will immediately check for the president polishchuk!" I arrived 10 minutes ahead of the doctor's office, can make me be startled at the eight forty, when the nurse came to the door to let people come in, there are twenty other people in the waiting room. At nine ten Boris doctor from the side door into his private office, ten thirty I was asked to fill out a form. At eleven o'clock, I was ushered into a small room, and told to take off my shirt. I like a fool in this deserted station examination room for 15 minutes, the good doctor rushed from the door, and said," this morning, my good friend Bao Bu shook?"


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