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谁能帮我回答一下这个问题 What is the nature and the scope of English Lexicology

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 03:29



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 20:25

Lexicology is the part of linguistics which studies words, their nature(?) and meaning, words' elements(?), relations between words (semantical relations), word groups and the whole lexicon.

The term first appeared in the 1820s, though there were lexicologists in essence before the term was coined. Computational lexicology as a related field (in the same way that computational linguistics is related to linguistics) deals with the computational study of dictionaries and their contents. An allied science to lexicology is lexicography, which also studies words in relation with dictionaries – it is actually concerned with the inclusion of words in dictionaries and from that perspective with the whole lexicon. Therefore lexicography is the theory and practice of composing dictionaries. Sometimes lexicography is considered to be a part or a branch of lexicology, but the two disciplines should not be mistaken: only lexicologists who do write dictionaries are lexicographers. It is said that lexicography is the practical lexicology, it is practically oriented though it has its own theory, while the pure lexicology is mainly theoretical.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 20:25

Each language has its different vocabulary or Chinese characters, its essence is the same. The case of learning English, English is an international language, in many countries has its application. English vocabulary is huge, in its essence, it different suffix, different parts of speech, that means are also different. A word, add different suffix, into a different word, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and so on. This is the word of the vision.

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