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有没有 公务员法的英文版呀?

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Civil Service Act

Chapter One "Aside first to standardize the management of the civil service, and protect the legitimate rights and interests, strengthen the supervision of civil servants, the building of a high-quality civil service and promote honest and hardworking, improve work efficiency, according to the Constitution, enactment of the law.

第二条 本法所称公务员,是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员。The second of this law, are aimed at discharging their ties, in the national administrative personnel. from the financial burdens of staff wages and benefits.

第三条 公务员的义务、权利和管理,适用本法。Civil third of the obligations, rights and management, application of this law.

法律对公务员中的领导成员的产生、任免、监督以及法官、检察官等的义务、权利和管理另有规定的,从其规定。The leading members of the civil service law for the selection, appointment and dismissal of supervision, and the judges, prosecutors and other obligations. and management rights, unless otherwise stipulated in the regulations.

第四条 公务员制度坚持以马克思列宁主义、*思想、*理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,贯彻社会主义初级阶段的基本路线,贯彻中国*党的干部路线和方针,坚持党管干部原则。4 of the civil service system adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represents" as the guide and implement the basic line of the primary stage of socialism. implementing the Chinese Communist Party's line and policies render.

第五条 公务员的管理,坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,依照法定的权限、条件、标准和程序进行。Fifth, the management of the civil service, and to adhere to the principles of openness, equality, competition, merit, in accordance with the statutory authority, standards and proceres.

第六条 公务员的管理,坚持监督约束与激励保障并重的原则。Article 6 of the management, supervision and restraint and adhere to the principle of giving equal attention to encouraging protection.

第七条 公务员的任用,坚持任人唯贤、德才兼备的原则,注重工作实绩。Article 7 of the appointment of civil servants, uphold merit, competent, work performance.

第八条 国家对公务员实行分类管理,提高管理效能和科学化水平。Article 8 The state of public servants management, improve management efficiency and scientific level.

第九条 公务员依法履行职务的行为,受法律保护。Article 9 of the Civil Service in performing their ties in accordance with the law, are protected by law.

第十条 *公务员主管部门负责全国公务员的综合管理工作。10 of the Central authorities are responsible for the overall management of civil servants. 县级以上地方各级公务员主管部门负责本辖区内公务员的综合管理工作。Civil servants at and above the county level, local departments in charge of the civil servants in charge of the integrated management area. 上级公务员主管部门指导下级公务员主管部门的公务员管理工作。Civil authorities in charge of higher-level civil servants to guide management of the Civil Service. 各级公务员主管部门指导同级各机关的公务员管理工作。The same department in charge of civil servants at all levels to guide the work of the organs of the civil service management.

第二章 公务员的条件、义务与权利<br><br> 第十一条 公务员应当具备下列条件:The second chapter of the civil service, the rights and obligations "Aside 11 civil servants should have the following qualifications :

(一)具有中华人民共和国国籍;(A) People's Republic of China;

(二)年满十八周岁;(B) aged 18 or older;

(三)拥护中华人民共和国*;(C) support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;

(四)具有良好的品行;(D) good behavior;

(五)具有正常履行职责的身体条件;(5) perform their ties with normal physical condition;

(六)具有符合职位要求的文化程度和工作能力;(6) meet the requirements of the post-ecated and have the ability to work;

(七)法律规定的其他条件。(7) legal requirements and other conditions.

第十二条 公务员应当履行下列义务:Article 12 of the civil servants should perform the following ties :

(一)模范遵守*和法律;(1) abide by the Constitution and the law.

(二)按照规定的权限和程序认真履行职责,努力提高工作效率;(B) in accordance with the authority and proceres perform their ties seriously and strive to improve their work efficiency;

(三)全心全意为人民服务,接受人民监督;(C) serve the people wholeheartedly, to accept the people's supervision;

(四)维护国家的安全、荣誉和利益;(D) maintaining the security, honor and interests;

(五)忠于职守,勤勉尽责,服从和执行上级依法作出的决定和命令;(5) dedication, diligence and obey the law and carry out the decisions and orders;

(六)保守国家秘密和工作秘密;(6) To keep state secrets and secrets;

(七)遵守纪律,恪守职业道德,模范遵守社会公德;(7) observed discipline and abide by the professional ethics and abide by public morality;

(八)清正廉洁,公道正派;(8) clean, honest and fair and upright;

(九)法律规定的其他义务。(9) other ties as stipulated by law.

第十三条 公务员享有下列权利:Article 13 of the civil servants enjoy the following rights :

(一)获得履行职责应当具有的工作条件;(1) perform their ties should have been working conditions;

(二)非因法定事由、非经法定程序,不被免职、降职、辞退或者处分;(B) non-statutory subject matter, not by the statutory proceres, not to be dismissed, demoted, dismissed or punished;

(三)获得工资报酬,享受福利、保险待遇;(C) access to wages, welfare, insurance benefits;

(四)参加培训;(4) training;

(五)对机关工作和领导人员提出批评和建议;(5) the work and leadership comments and suggestions;

(六)提出申诉和控告;(6), appeals and complaints;

(七)申请辞职;(7) application to resign.

(八)法律规定的其他权利。(8) other rights provided by law.

第三章 职务与级别<br><br> 第十四条 国家实行公务员职位分类制度。Chapter III level positions with the "Aside Article 14 of the state civil service job classification system.

公务员职位类别按照公务员职位的性质、特点和管理需要,划分为综合管理类、专业技术类和行政执法类等类别。Civil servants are the types of jobs according to the nature, characteristics and management, integrated into the management category, category of professional and technical categories such as law enforcement and administrative categories. *根据本法,对于具有职位特殊性,需要单独管理的,可以增设其他职位类别。State Department under this Act, with special jobs, the need for separate management and other types of jobs can be created. 各职位类别的适用范围由国家另行规定。The scope of the job categories stipulated by the state.

第十五条 国家根据公务员职位类别设置公务员职务序列。Under Article 15 of the country set up the civil service job sequence.

第十六条 公务员职务分为领导职务和非领导职务。Article 16 into leadership positions in the civil service and leadership positions.

领导职务层次分为:国家级正职、国家级副职、省部级正职、省部级副职、厅局级正职、厅局级副职、县处级正职、县处级副职、乡科级正职、乡科级副职。National-level leadership positions include : chief, deputy national, provincial and ministerial posts of provincial-and ministerial-level deputies. the department or bureau level heads, deputy department or bureau level, the county level heads, and county-level deputies, the township section heads, township deputy section chief level.

非领导职务层次在厅局级以下设置。Non-level leadership positions at the department or bureau level and below installed.

第十七条 综合管理类的领导职务根据*、有关法律、职务层次和机构规格设置确定。Comprehensive Management of the 17 leading positions in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws, job level and the institutions set up to determine the specifications.

综合管理类的非领导职务分为:巡视员、副巡视员、调研员、副调研员、主任科员、副主任科员、科员、办事员。Comprehensive Management of non-leadership positions include : inspector, deputy inspector, Ms deputy researcher, Section officer, director, Section officer Deputy Director, Section officer, clerk.

综合管理类以外其他职位类别公务员的职务序列,根据本法由国家另行规定。Integrated Management types of jobs other than civil servants in sequence, in accordance with the Act stipulated by the state.

第十八条 各机关依照确定的职能、规格、编制限额、职数以及结构比例,设置本机关公务员的具体职位,并确定各职位的工作职责和任职资格条件。In accordance with Article 18 of the bodies to determine the function specifications, staffing levels, number of staff and structure. Civil authorities set up this specific positions, and determine the conditions for job ties and qualifications.

第十九条 公务员的职务应当对应相应的级别。Article 19 of the Civil Service positions should correspond corresponding level. 公务员职务与级别的对应关系,由*规定。And the corresponding level of the civil service, by the State Council.

公务员的职务与级别是确定公务员工资及其他待遇的依据。Level job with the civil service is based on civil service wages and other benefits.

公务员的级别根据所任职务及其德才表现、工作实绩和资历确定。According to permanent civil service positions and the level of integrity and work performance and qualifications set. 公务员在同一职务上,可以按照国家规定晋升级别。Civil servants in the same position, according to the state-level promotions.

第二十条 国家根据人民*以及海关、驻外外交机构公务员的工作特点,设置与其职务相对应的衔级。According to Article 20 of the state police as well as customs, foreign diplomatic institutions of job characteristics, The relative levels should set up their positions.

第四章 录 用<br><br> 第二十一条 录用担任主任科员以下及其他相当职务层次的非领导职务公务员,采取公开考试、严格考察、平等竞争、择优录取的办法。Chapter IV were used "Aside hired as director of the 21st Officer of the following ties and other equivalent-level leadership positions in the civil service. open examinations, strictly inspected, equal competition, merit approach.

民族自治地方依照前款规定录用公务员时,依照法律和有关规定对少数民族报考者予以适当照顾。Autonomous areas shall be hiring civil servants, In accordance with relevant provisions of law and minority applicants to be properly looked after.

第二十二条 *机关及其直属机构公务员的录用,由*公务员主管部门负责组织。Article 22 of the institutions directly under the central organs and the hiring of civil servants by the central authorities are responsible for the civil service organizations. 地方各级机关公务员的录用,由省级公务员主管部门负责组织,必要时省级公务员主管部门可以授权设区的市级公务员主管部门组织。Hiring local government civil servants from the provincial department in charge of civil servants responsible for the organization, Provincial departments in charge of the civil service can be authorized, if necessary, the level of the civil service departments are in charge of the district.

第二十三条 报考公务员,除应当具备本法第十一条规定的条件外,还应当具备省级以上公务员主管部门规定的拟任职位所要求的资格条件。Article 23 applied for the Civil Service, with the exception of Article 11 of this Act shall have the conditions, also meet the requirements of the provincial department in charge of civil service positions over the required qualifications.

第二十四条 下列人员不得录用为公务员:Article 24 The following persons shall not be employed as civil servants :

(一)曾因犯罪受过刑事处罚的;(1) the offense for the criminal;

(二)曾被开除公职的;(2) have been discharged from public employment;

(三)有法律规定不得录用为公务员的其他情形的。(C) shall not be employed as civil service law in the other cases.

第二十五条 录用公务员,必须在规定的编制限额内,并有相应的职位空缺。Article 25 of the regulations governing civil servants in the establishment of limits, and have the corresponding vacancies.

第二十六条 录用公务员,应当发布招考公告。26 of the regulations governing civil servants recruitment notice should be issued. 招考公告应当载明招考的职位、名额、报考资格条件、报考需要提交的申请材料以及其他报考须知事项。Audition notice should contain the recruitment of the posts, places, the entry requirements, apply for other applicants need to submit the application materials and guidelines.

招录机关应当采取措施,便利公民报考。Recruiting agencies should take measures to facilitate citizen sitting.

第二十七条 招录机关根据报考资格条件对报考申请进行审查。Article 27 of the recruiting agencies to apply for eligibility for application to be reviewed. 报考者提交的申请材料应当真实、准确。The applicants submitted application materials should be true and accurate.

第二十八条 公务员录用考试采取笔试和面试的方式进行,考试内容根据公务员应当具备的基本能力和不同职位类别分别设置。28 civil servants to take a written examination and interview manner, Under the basic content of the examination should be placed and different types of jobs.

第二十九条 招录机关根据考试成绩确定考察人选,并对其进行报考资格复审、考察和体检。Authorities, in accordance with Article 29 of recruiting candidates for examination results to determine the inspection and review its entry requirements. inspection and examination.

体检的项目和标准根据职位要求确定。Medical projects and establish standards based on the job requirements. 具体办法由*公务员主管部门会同*卫生行政部门规定。Concrete measures by the central authorities, in conjunction with the Civil health administration department.

第三十条 招录机关根据考试成绩、考察情况和体检结果,提出拟录用人员名单,并予以公示。Article 30 recruiting agencies examinations, the results of the inspection and examination, to be hiring list and to be publicized.

公示期满,*一级招录机关将拟录用人员名单报*公务员主管部门备案;地方各级招录机关将拟录用人员名单报省级或者设区的市级公务员主管部门审批。Expiration of the public, the central recruiting office will be in charge of civil service hiring list of the Central government departments; All levels of local recruiting agencies will be hiring staff or set up a list of the provincial department in charge of approving the municipal civil servants.

第三十一条 录用特殊职位的公务员,经省级以上公务员主管部门批准,可以简化程序或者采用其他测评办法。Article 31 of hiring special positions, approved by the provincial department in charge of civil servants above, can be simplified procere, or other evaluation methods.

第三十二条 新录用的公务员试用期为一年。32 of the new recruits to the civil service probationary period of one year. 试用期满合格的,予以任职;不合格的,取消录用。Pass the trial period be serving; Failed to abolish employment.

Chapter V evaluations "Aside Article 33 of the Civil Service examination, in accordance with the management authority. a comprehensive assessment of the German civil service, transport, civil aviation, performance, honesty, focusing on the work of assessing performance.

第三十四条 公务员的考核分为平时考核和定期考核。Into the 34th regular appraisals and appraisal of the regular civil service examination. 定期考核以平时考核为基础。Periodic assessment to regular appraisals as a basis.

第三十五条 对非领导成员公务员的定期考核采取年度考核的方式,先由个人按照职位职责和有关要求进行总结,主管领导在听取群众意见后,提出考核等次建议,由本机关负责人或者授权的考核委员会确定考核等次。Article 35 of the leading members of the civil service to take the annual examinations of the regular test, begin with the indivial job ties and in accordance with the requirements summarized, leading after listening to the opinions of the masses. proposed assessment recommended by the authority or authorities responsible for the appraisal and assessment of times identified.

对领导成员的定期考核,由主管机关按照有关规定办理。Leading members of the regular examination by the competent authorities in accordance with relevant regulations.

第三十六条 定期考核的结果分为优秀、称职、基本称职和不称职四个等次。Article 36 regular test result, there are excellent, competent, competent and incompetent basic four other times.

定期考核的结果应当以书面形式通知公务员本人。Regular test results should be written notice to the officer himself.

第三十七条 定期考核的结果作为调整公务员职务、级别、工资以及公务员奖励、培训、辞退的依据。37 of the regular test results as the adjustment of the civil service rank, and the civil service wage awards, training, The basis for dismissal.

第六章 职务任免<br><br> 第三十八条 公务员职务实行选任制和委任制。Chapter VI of the appointments and dismissals "Aside 38th practice of the civil service selection and the appointment system.

领导成员职务按照国家规定实行任期制。Leading members of their ties in accordance with state regulations implemented tenure.

第三十九条 选任制公务员在选举结果生效时即任当选职务;任期届满不再连任,或者任期内辞职、被罢免、被撤职的,其所任职务即终止。Article 39 of the civil service in elective office or elected office when the election results; Expiry of the term of office is not re-elected. term or resign, be removed from office, were removed from office, his or her ties are terminated.

第四十条 委任制公务员遇有试用期满考核合格、职务发生变化、不再担任公务员职务以及其他情形需要任免职务的,应当按照管理权限和规定的程序任免其职务。40 qualified for the appointment of civil servants in the event of trial period, job change no longer a civil service appointment and removal of ties and other circumstances require. shall, in accordance with the proceres provided for appointment and removal of its management authority and ties.

第四十一条 公务员任职必须在规定的编制限额和职数内进行,并有相应的职位空缺。41 Civil Servants in the establishment of quotas for the number of staff and a corresponding vacancies.

第四十二条 公务员因工作需要在机关外兼职,应当经有关机关批准,并不得领取兼职报酬。Article 42 part-time civil servants because of their work in organs should be approved by the relevant authorities. and they are not allowed to receive part-time pay.

第七章 职务升降<br><br> 第四十三条 公务员晋升职务,应当具备拟任职务所要求的思想*素质、工作能力、文化程度和任职经历等方面的条件和资格。Chapter VII ties movements "Aside 43 of promotion ties should have requested to assume the ideological and political quality, the ability to work, experiences in ecation and other aspects of the conditions and qualifications.

公务员晋升职务,应当逐级晋升。Promotion ties should be graally promoted. 特别优秀的或者工作特殊需要的,可以按照规定破格或者越一级晋升职务。Work particularly outstanding or special needs, in accordance with the provisions of the more unconventional level or promoted to higher posts.

第四十四条 公务员晋升领导职务,按照下列程序办理:Article 44 of promotion leading positions in accordance with the following proceres :

(一)民主推荐,确定考察对象;(A) democratic recommendation, to determine assessed;

(二)组织考察,研究提出任职建议方案,并根据需要在一定范围内进行酝酿;(2) organizations, research office proposal and deliberation needed in a certain range;

(三)按照管理权限讨论决定;(C) In accordance with the management authority to discuss and decide.

(四)按照规定履行任职手续。(D) In accordance with the provisions of office proceres.

公务员晋升非领导职务,参照前款规定的程序办理。Promotion of non-leadership positions, in the light of the above provision proceres.

第四十五条 机关内设机构厅局级正职以下领导职务出现空缺时,可以在本机关或者本系统内通过竞争上岗的方式,产生任职人选。Article 45 of the following internal organs and leading cadres at the department or bureau level and when there are vacancies, in the organs, or through the system of competition for posts, candidates have.

厅局级正职以下领导职务或者副调研员以上及其他相当职务层次的非领导职务出现空缺,可以面向社会公开选拔,产生任职人选。Following leadership positions in the department or bureau level or deputy chief, Ms considerable job level and a
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