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帮我把一下短文翻译成英文,有分 注:这是演讲,各位可以适当改动,英语*水平左右

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 01:26



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 14:26

Boys and girls, we are all people who have a high school, when I was in high school, a passion, a passion, it is also a kindergarten age.I and friends of mine in order to smoke with teacher hits the guerrilla warfare, for brothers, blocks the crime on oneself body, in order to obtain the freedom, dares with the school high-level provocation, certainly, we have the victory to have the defeat.Note that in order to attract girls, demonstrating our Stadium in the game, and in order to protect your favorite girls, and we fight, never fear, for the future of life in the classroom, we strive to learn, and it can be said that at that time, we do everything just to friendship and love.
After the end of the college entrance examination, we are at a loss, until my girl broke up with me when I found out that we are just each other passers-by, out of the city, we do not have any relationship. Between my brothers and lay the friendship is in high school to do the right thing.
I remembered last year got together, as soon as we still might by fight with the fists in their chest are saying " hi, lang time no see! “(this does not need to help me to translate, is our slang), that kind of feeling really was too good.
After going to college, our passion, and more freedom, the class is no longer a collective, we have some flattering, some people are fighting alone, there are some who think they are, in some cases themselves clean, it may be said that we had grown up and matured, and perhaps this is why I feel sad.I know that must adapt to this life, but I'd hope that we are not because the "class" with this code, but because between us there is a yoke, it can so that we can really called the "collective".

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 14:27

Hello everyone,

All of us here have experienced the high school life. I recall my high school, which is a hot-blooded era, a reckless era, also a naive era. My friends and I fought guerilla warfare against the teachers for smoking. Also, I took the full responsibilities on my own for my guys. Furthermore, we dared to challenge the senior executives of school for the so-called "freedom". That time, of course, we gained both wins and losts. Note that we showed our skills on the pitch to attract girls, and we fought without fear to protect the beloved girl. For future life, we strived to study in the classroom. We can say that, ring that era, we were doing everything just for friendship and love.

After the college entrance examination, we were in a lost. When my girlfriend broke up with me, I suddenly found out that we are just passers-by of each other. We will not have any connections out of the city. But for my guys, it has proved totally right that I set friendship with them in high school.

I remember last year's gathering, I could still give a punch in their chests, saying "hi, lang time no see!", Which has left me a great feeling until now.

As we entered university, we lost some of the passion and got more freedom. A class is no longer a collective. In the university, some are busy flattering, some fight on their own, some are self-righteous, and some keep their noses clean. Maybe this is what we call "maturity", but perhaps is our sorrow. I know that we must adapt to the new life, but I'd hope that we could get together not just because of the code of "class", but of the ties of friendship between us, which can really make us a group.

Thank you!
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