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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 18:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 01:38


Q:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.
A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible
and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit
from my analytical and interpersonal skills.

Q:Give me a summary of your current job description.
A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific,
I do systemanalysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.

Q:Why did you leave your last job?
A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks,
I will take it.
A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job.
/ I feel there is no opportunityfor advancement.

Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?
A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.
A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students
very well.

Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?
A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience
to this position.

Q:What do you think you are worth to us?
A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.

Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?
A:My graate school training combined with my internship should qualify me
for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.

Q:Are you a multi-tasked indivial?or Do you work well under stress or
A:Yes, I think so.
A:The trait is needed in my current (or previous) position and I know I
can handle it well.

Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?
A:Helpfulness and caring.
A:Adaptability and sense of humor.
A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.

Q:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?
A:(pause a few seconds) They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and
responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.
A:They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.

Q:What personality traits do you admire?
A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going.
A:(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit.

Q:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?
A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a
team will be the major goal of my leadership.
A:I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.

Q:How do you normally handle criticism?
A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could
become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism.
A:When we cool off, we will discuss it later.

Q:What do you find frustrating in a work situation?
A:Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated.
A:Minds that are not receptive to new ideas.

Q:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?
A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in
order to get my points across.

Q:How do you handle your failure?
A:None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance
to correct my mistake.

Q:What provide you with a sense of accomplishment.
A:Doing my best job for your company.
A:Finishing a project to the best of my ability.

Q:If you had a lot of money to donate, where would you donate it to?Why?
A:I would donate it to the medical research because I want to do something
to help others.
A:I prefer to donate it to ecational institutions.

Q:What is most important in your life right now?
A:To get a job in my field is most important to me.
A:To secure employment hopefully with your company.

Q:What current issues concern you the most?
A:The general state of our economy and the impact of China' entry to WTO
on our instry.

Q:How long would you like to stay with this company?
A:I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field.

Q:Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now?
A:As I have some administrative experience in my last job, I may use my
organizational and planning skills in the future.
A:I hope to demonstrate my ability and talents in my field adequately.
A:Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be exciting.
It would be premature for me to predict this.
Hypothetically speaking, I might be able to do your current job as a director.
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