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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 15:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 12:36

A. grape crush

After the grape harvest, the wine was placed horizontally on a bucket by squeezing out the juice. Grape juice for about three weeks to the process of fermentation, the wine become the body of white wine, the alcohol content of about 9 degrees. But this time the wine is astringent and not the net, not drinking, so they would even be the next step distillation process.

B. distillation

Distillation process to the white wine component to be unbundled to allow liquor-fever, their evaporation from gas condensate - that is, 'distillate' extracted. This distillate and the only smell of alcohol was also Shannon, was similar to the purification of white wine. We distilled liquor called after the 'Water for Life', this time it is very transparent liquid. In France, 'Water for Life' has a lot of market sales.

1. The first step
Add wine to be a distillation of the copper inside the boiler. Such as the shape of the boiler suit and at the top of the onion as the first. It is heated to boiling wine.
2. The second step
Wine and then steam will enter a copper pipe, called 'swan neck'. These steam from the 'onion' into the swan neck, and then into a condenser. The light of the arrival of the first steam condenser. Swan neck sometimes through a hot wine: to do so, twice in the middle of the distillation of time and energy consumption will be reced. Swan neck because those inside the hot gas would be heated wine, hot wine, so soon after the end of the distillation can proce a new round of 'Water for Life'.
3. The third step
In the condenser, hot steam condenses into liquid, the trickle-down pipeline. At this point the liquid in the 27 degrees to 32 degrees and then be distilled into the boiler in a second distillation.
4. After the second distillation
The first form of liquid droplets will be separated. Then, 'Water for Life' of the 'heart', and this drop is the most pure part of the most transparent. The arrival of the final drop that 'Water for Life tail' was also isolated. Therefore, it is only in the middle of the arrival of the 'Water for Life' will be used to proce cognac. It should be noted that 'Water for Life' is not the same as in cognac: it needs to carry out in oak barrel aging.
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