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An old woman walked into a clothes shop

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 17:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 13:36

An old woman walked into a clothes shop.She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress on display,but the girl stood still behind the counter,taking no notice of the request.
The old woman spoke to the girl again,raising her voice a bit,but still received no answer.The old woman looked closely at the girl and nodded to her, “I am too old to see well.” I can't even tell a plastic model from a real girl.
On hearing this,the salesgirl shouted at the old woman,“What? Did you call me a plastic?
The old woman was greatly surprised “Oh, dear me,”she said.“The model can speak.
Then it must be a robot of a new type.”

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 13:37


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 13:37

An old woman walked into a clothes shop.She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress,but the girl stood still behind the counter(柜台),taking no notice of the request.The old woman spoke to the girl again,
raising her voice a bit,but still received no answer.The old woman looked at the girl and nodded to herself,
“I am too old to see well.I can×t even tell a plastic model from a real girl!”
On hearing this,the salesgirl shouted to the old woman,“What? Did you call me a plastic model?”The old woman was greatly surprised.“Oh,dear me,”she said.“The model can speak!”Then it must be a robot of a new type
1.What did the old woman go to the shop to do?
A.To choose a dress.          B.To buy a dress for herself.
C.To show off her dress.        D.To pick a quarrel with the salesgirl.
2.The salesgirl did not make a reply __________.
A. because she didn×t see the old woman
B. because she didn×t think the old woman had enough money for a new dress
C. because she was too busy to notice the old woman
D. for some reason unknown in this story
3.It was not until that woman spoke for the _____ time that the salesgirl said something.
A.first   B.second   C.third   D.fourth
4.When the old woman said,“I am too old to see well,”she _______.
A. meant to say that she really had poor eyesight
B. wanted the salesgirl to excuse her 
C. was simply telling a lie
D. was,in face,trying to make the salesgirl open her mouth
5.What do you think the salesgirl would do on hearing this? She would_____.
A. be too angry to say a word for a moment
B. run and tell the shopowner about it
C. apologize to the old woman and do what she had been asked to do
D. turn back and cry
1.A 2.D 3.C 4. D 5.A  

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 13:38

An old woman walked into a clothes shop.She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress on display,but the girl stood still behind the counter,taking no notice of the request.
The old woman spoke to the girl again,raising her voice a bit,but still received no answer. The old woman looked closely at the girl and nodded to her, “I am too old to see well.” I can't even tell a plastic model from a real girl.
On hearing this,the salesgirl shouted at the old woman,“What? Did you call me a plastic?
The old woman was greatly surprised “Oh, dear me,”she said.“The model can speak.
Then it must be a robot of a new type.”
1.The old woman wanted ______in the clothes shop.
A.to buy something B.to play a joke on someone
C.to try things on D.to make trouble
2.The assistant was a____________.
A.woman B.model C.robot D.young man
3. The assistant took no notice of the old woman because________________.
A.she was a plastic model B.she was too old to see well
C.she was not a good assistant D.she was too old to hear
4.The assistant began to speak because_______________.
A.she got to know her mistake
B.she wanted to show that she was not a model
C.she wanted to show that she could speak
D.she thought the old woman had insulted her
5.When the assistant shouted at her, the old woman was greatly surprised because________.
A.she had thought the assistant would speak
B.she didn't expect the assistant would speak
C.she had thought the assistant was a robot
D.she had thought the assistant fooled her

一个老婆婆走进了服装店里。他要求女服务员让她看一下最新款的连衣裙,但是女服务员却站在那里,一动也不动。那个老婆婆再次提高音量,但女服务员还是无动于衷。那位老婆婆看着服务员,自言自语地说:“天啊!我老了,老花眼了!一个假模特竟然被我看成真的了!”由于女服务员听到了,她很没礼貌的对老婆婆大喊,“什么?你说我是假模特儿?”那位老婆婆惊讶不已,“天哪!”, 她说:“ 假模特儿可以说话呀!, 那一定是新款的机器人追问你有答案么?我需要答案

An old woman walked into a clothes shop

An old woman walked into a clothes shop.She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress on display,but the girl stood still behind the counter,taking no notice of the request.The old woman spoke to the girl again,raising her voice a bit,but still receive...

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An old woman walked into a clothes shop. She asked the salesgirl...

从She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress可知答案A正确。小题2:D。事实细节题。阅读全文可知文章未提到售货员小姐未回答的原因,故答案选D。小题3:C。事实细节题。前两次老妇人要求看衣服都未被理睬, 当她第三次开口说原来是个塑料模特时服务小姐才开口,故答案选C。

An old woman walked into a ...

【答案解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一位老人在一家服装店购物,遇到一位态度不好的服务员,从而想办法批评了这个售货员的故事。【小题1】根据短文描述可知这个老人想在服装店买些东西。故选A。【小题2】根据On hearing this,the salesgirl shouted at the old woman,"What?Did you call me ...

the old woman walked into a shop

An old woman walked into a clothes shop.She asked the salesgirl to let her have a look at a new dress on display,but the girl stood still behind the counter,taking no notice of the request.The old woman spoke to the girl again,raising her voice a bit,but still receive...

谁帮我翻译下 我给分啊



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