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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 12:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:55

This system development methods using object-oriented method. Object Oriented method is a kind of the object-oriented ideas used in the software development process, the guidance of development activity system method, hereinafter referred to as OO (Object-Oriented) method, is based on the "Object" based on the concept of the methodology. The data object is composed of operation and allows for the encapsulation of the body, and objective corresponding relations between entities have directly, an object of the class definition are similar to a group of the object. Each is a succession of hierarchical relationships of attributes and operation for the sharing of a way. The so-called object-oriented concept is based on object, the object is the center, classes and inheritance for constructing mechanism, to know and understand, depict the objective world and design, build the corresponding software system.

The main function of this system includes four aspects: contact management, contact management, business management, message packet voice communication management.The contact management including: the new contact, edit contacts, remove contacts, query contact; contact grouping management includes: new contact group, edit contacts, remove contacts packet, packet to a contact group to add, query contact grouping in contact; short message service management includes: SMS query, send SMS, SMS receiving; voice communications management includes: query call record, voice communications.

The software uses the Eclipse +Android+Android SDK integrated environment, the use of Java language development.Eclipse is an open source code, based on Java extensible development platform.On its own, it is only a framework and a set of services, through plug-in components to build development environment for.Android is a Linux based open source operating system, mainly used in portable devices.Android SDK is a proprietary Android software development kit.

纯手工翻译,希望可以帮到你哦~~~ 来自【翻译强团】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:56

This system development methods using object-oriented method. Object Oriented method is a kind of the object-oriented ideas used in the software development process, the guidance of development activity system method, hereinafter referred to as OO (Object-Oriented) method, is based on the "Object" based on the concept of the methodology. The data object is composed of operation and allows for the encapsulation of the body, and objective corresponding relations between entities have directly, an object of the class definition are similar to a group of the object. Each is a succession of hierarchical relationships of attributes and operation for the sharing of a way. The so-called object-oriented concept is based on object, the object is the center, classes and inheritance for constructing mechanism, to know and understand, depict the objective world and design, build the corresponding software system.
This system Lord ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:56


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 12:57


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