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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 16:10



热心网友 时间:2023-07-19 22:19


耕, 犁, 犁耕, 费力穿过, 艰苦前进, 在考试中淘汰

热心网友 时间:2023-07-19 22:19

(US plow) / plau; plaʊ/ n
(a) [C] implement with a curved blade, used for digging furrows in the soil, esp before seeds are planted, pulled by animals or by a tractor ?. (b) (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) implement resembling this 似?的工具: a `snow-plough, ie one for clearing snow from roads and railways 雪?(清除路面或铁道积雪的).
the Plough [sing] (also Charles's Wain) (Brit) (US also the Big Dipper) (astronomy 天) group of the seven brightest stars in the constellation of the Great Bear, visible only from the Northern hemisphere 北斗七星.
[U] land that has been ploughed ?过的地; 耕地: 100 acres of plough 100英亩耕地.
(idm 习语) under the `plough (of land) used for growing grain and not for pasture (指土地)用於种庄稼的(非牧用的).
> plough (US plow) v
1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) break up the surface of (land) with a plough ?(地); 耕(地): plough a field 耕田 * The meadow's been ploughed up. 那片草地已用?翻过.
2 [I, Tn] (dated Brit sl 旧, 俚) (cause sb to) fail (an examination) (使某人)考(试)不及格: I ploughed my finals. 我期末考试不及格. * The examiners ploughed half the candidates. 主考人员刷掉了一半应试者.
3 (idm 习语) plough a lonely `furrow work without help or support 孤独无援地工作.
4 (phr v) plough sth back (a) put (a crop or grass) back in the soil by ploughing in order to enrich the soil 将(作物或草)?入土中作肥料. (b) (fig 比喻) re-invest (profits) in the business that proced them 将(利润)作为资本再投资於原企业中. plough into sth/sb crash violently into sth/sb 猛力撞某物[某人]: The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a bus. 那汽车失控拦腰撞上了一辆公共汽车. plough (one's way) through sth (a) force a way through sth 费力穿过某处: plough one's way through the mud 在泥泞中艰难跋涉 * The ship ploughed through the waves. 那轮船破浪前进. (b) make progress slowly or with difficulty through sth 缓慢或费力地在某方面取得进展: plough through legal text books, a pile of documents, mountains of work, etc 吃力地钻研法律教科书、 缓慢地阅读一堆文件、 费力地处理堆积如山的工作.
# `ploughman (US plow-) / -mən; -mən/ n (-men/-mEn; -mEn/) man who guides a plough(1a), esp one pulled by animals 把?人(尤指用力畜拉的?). ,ploughman's `lunch (Brit) meal of bread, cheese and pickles, often served with beer in a pub 农夫午餐(有面包、 乾酪、 泡菜, 常有啤酒, 多在小酒店中供应).
`ploughshare (US plow-) (also share) n broad blade of a plough(1a) ?铧; 铧. =>illus 见插图.
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