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求一篇英语演讲稿小学六年级水平 关于我的梦想

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 20:40



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:22


My dream is to dream. Beautiful encounter in a dream world. There are fairy tales, there is no one but hope things are not. Where is the paradise of the garden, in the dream, the spring breeze across the trees, beautiful scenery with extended eyes, endless. Until the moment I woke up. I dream of beautiful soothing feelings of others. In addition to the reality so that they can understand the frustration, the original there are so many beautiful things, on the dream, about love. My dream is to dream of a beautiful pass to others and emotional, in order to add the beautiful colors of the world.


热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 06:40

My dream is to dream. Beautiful encounter in a dream world. There are fairy tales, there is no one but hope things are not. Where is the paradise of the garden, in the dream, the spring breeze across the trees, beautiful scenery with extended eyes, endless. Until the moment I woke up. I dream of beautiful soothing feelings of others. In addition to the reality so that they can understand the frustration, the original there are so many beautiful things, on the dream, about love. My dream is to dream of a beautiful pass to others and emotional, in order to add the beautiful colors of the world.


My dream is to dream. Beautiful encounter in a dream world. There are fairy tales, there is no one but hope things are not. Where is the paradise of the garden, in the dream, the spring breeze across the trees, beautiful scenery with extended eyes, endless. Until the moment I woke up. I dream of beautiful soothing feelings of others. In addition to the reality so that they can understand the frustration, the original there are so many beautiful things, on the dream, about love. My dream is to dream of a beautiful pass to others and emotional, in order to add the beautiful colors of the world.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 08:15

My dream is to dream. Beautiful encounter in a dream world. There are fairy tales, there is no one but hope things are not. Where is the paradise of the garden, in the dream, the spring breeze across the trees, beautiful scenery with extended eyes, endless. Until the moment I woke up. I dream of beautiful soothing feelings of others. In addition to the reality so that they can understand the frustration, the original there are so many beautiful things, on the dream, about love. My dream is to dream of a beautiful pass to others and emotional, in order to add the beautiful colors of the world.


热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 10:06

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