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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 13:20



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:12



1. 拿,取:例句: Taking a pen in her hand,she began to write.
她手里拿着一支钢笔,开始写起来。Go and take some coffee cups.
去拿几个咖啡杯。2. 抓紧,抓住;抱住;握住:例句: The boy took his mother's outstretched hand.
小男孩抓住妈妈伸出的手。She took her friend to her arms.
她拥抱她的朋友。3. 抓,捕;诱捕;捉住(鸟等);(鱼)咬住(钓饵):例句: We took him in the act of stealing.
我们在他进行偷窃时将其捉住。The hunters took a fox by a trap.
猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。4. 攻取,攻克;夺得,占领:例句: It took them a whole day to take the enemy fortress.
他们花了一整天才攻占了敌堡。After a severe fight,they took the airport.
经过一场激战,他们占领了机场。5. 迷住;吸引:例句: The girl took his fancy.
他被那个女孩迷住了。She was very much taken with the castle.
她非常喜欢这座城堡。6. [与名词构成动宾结构,表示做一次动作,意义等于相应动词]做(一次动作);履行:例句: Let's take a walk.
咱们散散步。to take a rest
休息一下7. 接受,领受;接纳;娶;收养:例句: He took his friend's advice quite cheerfully.
他欣然接受了朋友的劝告。You should learn to take criticism.
你应该学会接受批评。8. 取得,获得,得到,拿到:例句: His design took the first prize.
他的设计得头等奖。She took her degree with first-class honour.
她以优异成绩获得学位。9. (玩牌、比赛等)赢;击败;吃掉(棋子):例句: I took him for 10 pounds at the poker game.
打扑克时我赢了他10英镑。Our team took the visiting team by 5 to 3.
我们队以 5 比 3 击败客队。10. 使死亡,夺去…的生命:例句: Cancer takes many lives.
癌症夺走了许多人的生命。He took his own life.
他自杀而亡。11. 随身携带;带走;把…带往;护送,陪同:例句: Take an umbrella with you.
随身带把伞。He will take the guests to the museum.
他将带客人们去博物馆。12. (道路、通道等)通往(某地);通往…;引至:例句: These stairs will take you up to the attic.
这楼梯通到阁楼。The path takes you to the beach.
走这条小路能到海滩。13. 运送,运输:例句: Will this bus take us to the zoo?
坐这路公共汽车我们能到动物园吗?14. 吃,喝,服(药等):例句: The pupils take lunch in the classroom.
学生们在教室里吃午饭。What will you take? —I'll take a pint of Heineken.
你喝什么? —我喝一品脱的喜力啤酒。15. 吸入,呼吸(空气);晒(太阳):例句: He took a deep breath and dived into the water.
他深深吸了口气,然后跳进水里。They take the air in the park every morning.
他们每天早上在公园里呼吸新鲜空气。16. 享有、享受(娱乐、假期等):例句: The family will take a vacation this summer in Australia.
这家人今年夏天将在澳大利亚度假。17. 购买,买下:例句: He took the two-piece suit he had tried on.
他买下了试穿过的两件套西服。18. 租用,租得;定(座);订阅:例句: to take a newspaper
订阅报纸The couple took the house for 2 years.
夫妇俩把这座房子租了两年。19. 忍受;经受,承受,承担;遭受:例句: to take severe punishment
受严厉的惩罚He took all the blame to himself.
他自己承担全部责任。20. 选择,挑选,选取;采取:例句: They took the side of the speaker.
他们站在发言人一边。I'll take American history this semester.
这学期我要选美国史。21. 使用;利用;用…对付:例句: He takes every opportunity of practicing his oral English.
他利用一切机会练习英语口语。He took a mop to the floor.
他用拖把擦地板。22. 了解;领会,领悟,理解:例句: Do you take my meaning?
你明白我的意思了吗?How would you take this paragraph?
你怎么理解这一段?23. 以为;当作;把…看做:例句: I take it that he was ill.
我想他病了。Don't take his remarks as an insult.
别把他的话当作侮辱。24. 对付;对待;处理;考虑:例句: You mustn't take it lightly.
你千万别小看它。We should take things in their proper order.
我们应该有条不紊地处理事情。25. 拥有(职务等);就职;担任;演:例句: He took the part of the hero.
他出演主角。He was asked to take a leading position in the factory.
他们要求他在这家工厂担任一个领导职务。26. 承担(义务);负责管理;有责任去做;发(誓):例句: to take an oath
宣誓I take English in this university.
我在这所大学教英语。27. 占;就坐:例句: to take a seat
就坐to take one's place
入坐28. (通过观察、实验等)获得;确定;算出;量取;量出:例句: to take someone's pulse
给某人诊脉to take someone's temperature
量出某人的体温29. 拍(照);绘画,画下:例句: We went to the Summer Palace and took some pictures.
我们去颐和园了并拍了一些照片。The photographer took the children sitting down.
摄影师给坐着的孩子们拍了照。30. 学习;研究:例句: to take ballet
学习芭蕾舞She took a French course in a correspondence school.
她在函授学校修法语课程。31. 写下,记下,记录:例句: He took a letter in shorthand.
他速记下一封信。We have taken the broadcast on a tape.
我们已经把广播录到了磁带上。32. 摘录,节录:例句: The writer took a verse from the Bible.
作者从《圣经》中摘录了一个短句。This passage is taken from Wuthering Heights.
这一段摘录自《呼啸山庄》。33. (头脑中)形成;感受到;持有或采取(某种观点等):例句: They took a gloomy view about the whole thing.
他们对整个情况持暗淡的看法。I take much delight in my studies.
我从学习中得到了很大的乐趣。34. 吸收(染料等);易受…的影响:例句: Waxed paper will not take ink.
蜡纸不吸墨水。Marble takes a high polish.
大理石可磨得极为光滑。35. [常用被动语态](疾病、不愉快事情等)突然侵袭,袭击:例句: The old man was taken with a fit.
老人疾病发作。to be taken ill
生病36. 打,击;击中(某人的某一部位):例句: The boss took him on the ear.
老板打了他一记耳光。37. 患(病);感染:例句: She took cold over the weekend.
她周末着凉了。38. 呈现;带上;采取(形态等):例句: The tree takes the shape of a human being.
这棵树呈人的形状。A witch was supposed to take the shape of a cat.
据说女巫会化为猫的形状。39. 占用,占据(时间、空间等);花费(时间),用掉,消耗:例句: It takes an hour to get to the railway station.
到火车站要花一小时。It takes two to make a quarrel.
[谚语]一个巴掌拍不响;两个人才吵得起来。40. 越过(障碍);绕过:例句: He took the corner at top speed.
他高速绕过街角。The horse took the jump.
马越过障碍物。41. 利用(交通工具),搭、乘(车辆):例句: I take a bus to work.
我坐公共汽车上班。She took a taxi home after she saw the film.
她看了电影后坐出租车回家。42. 需要:例句: It takes courage to do that.
做那件事需要勇气。It takes patience to learn a foreign language.
学一门外语需要耐心。43. 以…为例:例句: Let me take Edison for example.
让我以爱迪生为例。44. 接(电话):例句: It was he who took the telephone.
是他接的电话。45. 减去,扣除:例句: If you take 5 from 10,that leaves 5 .
10减去5余5。to take 2 from 12 .
12减去 2 。46. 与…x交47. 【棒球】(击球手)不击(掷过来的好球)而过:例句: The batter took the pitch.
击球手放过这个投球没打。48. (赛车时)赶超49. 【语法学】(按照规则)有;与(某种形式、音调、格、语气等)连用:例句: A transitive verb takes an object.
及物动词有一个宾语。50. [俚语]欺骗,哄骗,使上当;抢劫:例句: They took him for 200 pounds.
他们骗走了他200英镑。He was badly taken.
1. [口语]变得,成为,得(病),患:例句: He took sick and had to go to hospital.
他病了,只得上医院。to take ill
生病2. (鱼)咬饵;(鸟等)被捉:例句: This fish takes easily.
这鱼容易上钩。Fish always take best after rain.
下雨后最好钓鱼。3. (锁等)锁住;(机器)钩住;(齿轮)啮合:例句: The lock took with a click.
锁咔哒一声锁上了。4. 受欢迎:例句: The play did not take in this city.
那出戏在这个城市不卖座。The singing star takes with young people.
这个歌星受到年轻人的喜爱。5. 生效,起作用,(药)奏效:例句: The vaccination took.
牛痘发了。The medicine didn't take.
这种药没有疗效。6. [take and …][美国口语][无实义,用于加强语气]:例句: He took and went to the hospital after he got the news.
他一得到消息便去了医院。7. (以特定方法)被照相:例句: Your boy friend does not take well.
你的男朋友不上相。The photo has taken well.
这张照片拍得好。8. 走;行走;前进:例句: She took down a path.
她沿着小路走。9. 着火;开始燃烧:例句: The fire took rapidly.
火势迅猛。Dry fuel takes readily.
干燥的燃料容易点着。10. (植物嫁接、移植等的)成活;开始生长;(种子)生根,发芽:例句: The seeds have taken.
种子发芽了。They invented a new method for making the grafts take.
他们发明了一个使嫁接成活的新方法。11. 可被拆开;可搬动:例句: This crib takes apart for easy storage.
这张小床可以拆开,便于存放。12. (墨水、染料等)被吸收;沾上:例句: The dye takes well.
染色染得不错。13. 吃掉对手棋子:例句: In the Chinese chess, the chariot takes in a straight line.
在中国象棋里“车”沿直线吃子。14. 【棒球】(击球手)放过球不打15. 【法律】获得财产:例句: The only daughter took as heir.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:12


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:13

take 的过去式

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 04:13

take 〔teik〕
  拿, 拿走, 取, 抓, 占领, 获得, 接受, 感受

“took”意思是:v. 拿;取;接受(take的过去式)读音:英 [tʊk] 美 [tʊk]相关短语:1、took place 发生;进行 2、took up 拿起;吸纳;接受 3、took down 取下;记下 用法:作为take的过去式,通常用于过去式的语态中。例句:He took his basketball away from me.译文:...

took是什么意思 took怎么解释

1、took意思是:携带;拿走;取走;运走;带去;引领;使达到,把…推向,把…带到(另一个层次、层面等)。2、读音:英 [t?k],美 [t?k]。3、例句:You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification.你必须携带本人身份证明亲自来取邮件。



took是英语动词take的过去式形式,表示拿、取或接受。take的用法多样,包括但不限于拿、取、带去、使达到、偷走、夺取、买下、服药、耗费时间、成功、行得通等。例句展示take的使用:例句一:I'll take any you don't want.(你不要的我随便拿一个。)例句二:You have no right to take risks...


意思: 拿;取;执行;需要;接受;理解;修(课程);花费;吃(喝)。解释:动词take的过去式 读音: 英 [tʊk] 美 [tʊk]词组短语 took place 发生;进行 took up 拿起;吸纳;接受(take up的过去式)took on 采取 took charge of 负责;担任 took down 取下;记下(take ...




took的中文翻译是“拿走”或“带走”。下面是对这一表达的详细解释:关于“took”的解释:1. “took”是英文单词“take”的过去式或过去分词形式。2. 在不同的语境下,“took”的含义有所不同。在多数情境中,它表示“拿走”或“带走”的动作。例如,在句子“He took the book from the shelf.”...


took [tuk] v. 拿;取;接受(take的过去式和过去分词)take [teik]vt. 拿,取;采取;吃;接受 vi. 拿;获得 [ 过去式took 过去分词taken 现在分词taking ]例句: Taking a pen in her hand,she began to write.她手里拿着一支钢笔,开始写起来。Go and take some coffee cups.去拿几个...


took的意思 took是英文单词take的过去式或过去分词形式。其基本含义是“拿走”或“带走”,但在不同的语境中,其具体含义会有所不同。1. 作为动词的基本含义:took作为take的过去式,最基本的含义是表示“拿走”或“带走”。例如,在句子“I took the book from the shelf.”中,took就表示从架子上...



took的翻译 took 中文 wrorgly什么意思 could是什么意思 seen是什么意思 place什么意思 became是什么意思 took的原形 took的词性
康佑人生骗人的吗?重疾赔付次数是多少? ...的消息的声音很好听,现在想把我的QQ变成那个声音,怎么弄 我的QQ上线,或者来个消息的时候,提示声音非常不好听?怎么换? 康佑人生骗人的吗?重疾赔付次数是多少? 网吧里有种qq消息声音挺好听的,不知道叫什么名字,在哪里可以找到?_百度... ...的消息的声音很好听,现在想把我的QQ变成那个声音,怎么弄 我的QQ上线,或者来个消息的时候,提示声音非常不好听?怎么换? 网吧里有种qq消息声音挺好听的,不知道叫什么名字,在哪里可以找到?_百度... 租房合同纠纷要怎么解决 有联想S660的人进来 crib是什么意思 密室逃脱绝境系列2第十关蜡烛怎么点呢? 密室逃脱绝境系列2鸟食怎么配? 密室逃脱绝境系列2的虫村,到了这里卡住了,应该怎么过啊? 密室逃脱绝境系列11游乐园第4关怎么过 图文攻略 密室逃脱绝境系列2虫村怎么过 密室逃脱绝境2特工攻略10关 密室逃脱绝境系列2海盗船虫村五角星是什么顺序,怎么拿到匕首 为什么跟我玩的不一样呢密室逃脱绝境系列2海盗船攻略 密室逃脱绝境2海盗船完整攻略 白天乏力(不发烧),晚上发烧38度多,怎么办?是什么回事?急急急 经常熬夜,宅在空调房,容易产生的症状,并且怎么调理或者需要补充什么 在空调房呆久了,四肢会容易酸痛有什么小妙招可以帮他吗? 长期在空调房,该怎么养生? 数学中|是什么意思? 数学的这些知识都是什么意思? 说一个人说数学是什么意思? 数学里是什么意思是什么 手动打码机打印的时候打印不出来显示喷码机字数为零是怎么回事 手机桌面图标怎么排放好看 求Smack That翻译 如何用photoshop制作雾里看花效果? 手机接文件其他方式也打不开 HONORPlay5相机有没有慢放功能 佳能相机录像为什么是慢放 荣耀7相机的慢动作怎么用? 单反相机的快门放慢是什么意思,如何实现? oppor11慢放相机上怎么放 vivoNEX3延时摄影慢放效果如何? 佳能相机录像在电脑上播放是慢放 什么是晒被子的正确方法 iphone网页历史记录的详细时间 绝地求生大逃杀多少钱?在哪买 第一张是原图 怎么做出雾里看花的效果用photoshop的图层蒙版!求详解 生地会考之后的书有必要保留吗? 有利于初中生地会考的辅导书,在哪买得到? 初中生地会考主要考哪本课本 初二地理生物的会考,做题时该注重学校发的辅导书还是类似五三之类的比较好?一般而言是哪里出题的 柠檬水好吗,有什么功效 PS或者flash制作云雾动态效果