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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 09:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 12:25

1世纪大学实用英语 第四册 综合教程
Unit 1
5. forbade; mourning; charge; accumulate; begged; declared; narrow; penniless; unloading; stolen; absence; faithfully
6. a good deal of; speak of; leading on; stood on his feet; at the most; both and; counted out; with the help of; heard of; be blessed with
7. Extremely hot as it is, the workers are still working in the factory.
Ill as she was, she continued to carry out her ties.
Young as she was, she was already a highly successful businesswoman.
Big and strong as he is, he trembles at the sight of a snake.
Excited as we were at the news, we tried to keep ourselves calm.
Freezing cold as it was, Father went out hunting with his dog.
8. As soon as she entered the room
as soon as I heard the news
as soon as he graated from university
as soon as I find a job
As soon as he felt better
as soon as he began to speak
9. had; until; who; kind; several;many; how; in ; blank/unanswered; if; grade; careers; deserve; do; forgotten; name
10. Driven by a strong will, he eventually fulfilled the task he had undertaken.
He promised to write to me as soon as he got there, but nothing has been heard of him so far.
The boss has never been so pleased with any employee before. The young man is a real find.
With the help of the doctors and nurses, the patient was able to stand on his feet once more and soon resumed working.
The old man’s wrinkled face spoke of the hardships he had enred in his life.
When she recovered somewhat, she leaned on the window watching the children play on the lawn.
Text B
15. reputation; purchased; portray; cultural; restoring; vanished; racism; pregnant; uphold; immense; debt; decent
16 to this day; passed; think of as; out of habit; open a door to; kept his word; be attributed to; pave the way; care about; think twice

Unit 2
5. statistics; versions; legal; adventurous; fate; indeed; chatting; online; owed; internet; hopefully; expenses
6.insisted on; gave notice; base on; form the beginning; in the middle of; off from work; every so often; fell asleep; conform to; leave for
7. It has been / It’s ages since
It has been / It’s some 10,000 years since
It has been / It’s a couple of years since
It has been / It’s two months since
8. what the boss requested him to
what she wanted
what his happiest moment was
What I’m about to say
9. We saved up enough money for a nice apartment after having lived in the dormitory room for four years.
Cassie picked up the receiver and spoke briefly before handing it to her husband.
Mr. Morgan returned home soon after getting to the office because he’d left some important papers behind.
The actress has been taking some time off to get her life back in order before leaving for Hollywood next week.
10. shouldn’t; going; mistakes; times; start; or; then; instead; loss; it; be; lessons; some; strengths; better
11. He failed the test but it was his own fault; he never did any work.
She told me she had been deceived by a young man who claimed to be the son of a banker.
Mary left her husband because she couldn’t stand his cruelty any longer.
One thing that Mom insisted on was that John finish his homework before watching any TV programs.
When Bill became overly obsessed with online chatting, things began to change. No longer was he the hard working student he was when he first came to college.
I told you from the beginning that there was a world of difference between online dating and actually living together.
Text B
16. carpenter; confide; retirement; subject; frustrating; cheerful; alert; volunteers; admitted; acquainted;
17. once in a while; reaching over; hang onto; in his nature; took a deep breath; transferred from to; blew her nose; leaned against

Unit 3
5 concert; virtually; genuine; applaud; performance; conclude; distinguished; instrument; instructed; absorb; evidently; favorite
6. at last; be capable of; was fond of; came to its feet; be turned off; in panic; go on to; work out; was engaged in; reach for;
7. she did say that
I did see them yesterday
I do mean to quit the job
I do like pop music a lot
8. It was said that the writer was born in this very humble cottage
This very tradition has been kept until today. (or: This tradition has been kept until this very day.)
Martin was the very man who proced the widely accepted proposal.
It’s that very pride of yours that’s blinding you from your faults.
9. take; read; longer; upon; feel; by; music; me; love; gathered; what; mountains; felt; winds; goings
10. After the performance, the audience all came excitedly to their feet with genuine applause that lasted for quite a few minutes.
Seeing me in panic, the hostess reassured me that what I was instructed to do next was something I was definitely capable of.
He was completely absorbed by a fraction problem the whole afternoon. No wonder he was overjoyed when he finally worked the problem out.
“Once Henry is submerged in his own thoughts, he’s virtually deaf.” Thus remarked Mrs. Smith.
Don’t you think it’s unsafe to conclude hastily when we are not sure about the accuracy of the statistics?
She sat uneasily in front of the piano and ventured a note. It was her first time to touch a musical instrument.
Test B
15 fame; genius; resemble; promptly; piano; apartment; poverty; artist; evaluate; miracle; explore; harmony
16 broke into; got tired of; as far as; that way; congratulate ourselves on; not at all; wore out; had grown into; out of danger; with ease

Unit 4
5. article; savings; generous; adopted; conceited; functions; tape; headlines; donate; entrance; press; monthly
6.turned around; talk into got around to; has set his heart on; in turn; give back; comes up; by hand; adds to; pack into
7. Now that you have made your decision, we will try every means to support you
Now that it is raining, we might as well stay at home watching TV instead of going to the cinema
Now that the examination is around the corner, I suggest that you spend more time reviewing your lessons
Now that he turns a deaf ear to our advice, we needn’t talk to him any longer
8. I will stay there as long as I can.
He ate as much as he could.
You can do it by speaking as loudly as you can.
He tried to make it as interesting as he could.
Well, his speech was as silly as you could imagine.
I don’t know, but I will come back as early as I can manage to.
9. for; way; because; mission; who; chose; make; is; thanks; for; average; spend; to; after; possible
10. I have decided not to go to the interview because the job advertisement has made it clear that only a college graate is eligible for the post.
She makes her son practice the piano every day. It seems that she has set her heart on making a pianist of her son.
When I was a child, I enjoyed doing errands for my mother. I could keep the small change.
His excellent performance spoke to every member of the audience. No one made any sound throughout it.
When I finally got around to visiting him in hospital, it was too late.
Since he is so stubborn, I don’t intend to talk him into considering our suggestion, either.
Text B
16. dean; recall; convince; necessity; nominated; self-sufficient; fatigue; minority; exceptional; dedication; uncomfortable; persistence
17. dreamed about; on welfare; in honor of; put out; go into; think over; stepped in; went up to; make your way; transferred to追问大神,答案都有了,可有翻译?


1世纪大学实用英语 第四册 综合教程 Unit 1 5. forbade; mourning; charge; accumulate; begged; declared; narrow; penniless; unloading; stolen; absence; faithfully 6. a good deal of; speak of; leading on; stood on his feet; at the most; both and; counted out; with the help of...










第四、讽刺文虽然没有固定体裁,也要讲究章法,像其他的文章一样,有适当的长度,有起有讫,成为一整体。鲁迅的杂感多属断片性质,似乎是兴到即写,不拘章法,可充报纸杂志的篇幅,未必即能成为良好的文学作品。以上所讲也许是过分的苛责,因为鲁迅自己并未声明他的杂感雇尽?---宇慧按) 不要以为鲁迅自始即是处心积...




四、教材: 《英语西方文化影视教程》。该教材由北师大外文学院的徐汝舟教授主编,即将由北京师范大学出版社出版。五、评价方法:总成绩=平时成绩50%+期末成绩50%笔试(闭卷)。 修读条件:选修本课程的学生需提前通过听力单项考试。每班限选30人。 英语国家文化概况(必修选修课)授课教师:马磊 副教授一、课程建设目标:...


陈永捷: 陈永捷是上海交通大学教授,博士生导师,现任上海市大学英语教学研究会理事长等职务。他还是教育部和职业教育学会高职英语教学委员会委员。陈教授主编了《实用英语综合教程》系列教材、《21世纪大学英语视听说》(第四册)和《新视野大学英语》(读写第四级)等教材,是《大学核心英语》(修订版)、...


这种现象已成为阻碍提高学生综合应用能力的瓶颈。《新视野大学英语:读写教程3》利用本套教材的配套语料库,在每单元设有词汇搭配练习。所操练的不仅都是核心词汇,而且各种搭配均在本套教材前几册书中出现过。内容概要(Story/Essay Summary)的语言素材建立在课文A之上,往往是课文A的总结或续写,从而使...

...时对方听不到我说话,但是微信按住发语音功能又是好的。是什么... ...2)、(7,4),一辆汽车在x轴上行驶,从原点O出发. 5人团伙盗窃多起价值3万判多久? 已知A、B两村庄的坐标分别为(2,2)、(7,4),一辆汽车在x轴上行驶,从原点... ...2)、(7,4),一辆汽车在x轴上行驶,从原点O出发.(1)汽车行 ...1)和(6,3),一辆汽车从原点O出发,沿x轴向右行驶.(1)当 ...他有上海市的工作签证,现在与原企业解除劳动合同,来我们公司,如何办 ... 湖南凤凰古城需要门票吗 光影魔术手怎样设置图片格式 ...2)、(7,4),一辆汽车在轴上行驶,从原点O出发。(1)汽车行驶 quick on one's feet是什么意思 10句英语句子~请求高手人工翻译! be on one's foot 什么意思 国际商务英语翻译!!不要翻译器翻译的!!! (1/3)大家帮下忙,谢谢.用括号里的词造句:医生说他不久就会康复(be back on one's feet)你遇到过不得不... 关于副词(如SOON)的位置问题 英语句子翻译(根据括号里的词语写,回答得好再加分) be back on one's feet的back词性 如何提高语文教师的语言艺术 我不确定爸爸是否会为我送行英文 班主任语言艺术有哪些? 请将以下句子翻译成英语,不要百度要用上括号内的短句 布朗先生的身体康复了(be back 如何做好班主任工作——观看魏书生的《如何当好班主任》有感 “他手术后又恢复了健康”用(be back on one's feet)怎么翻译啊! 如何加强和提高班主任语言艺术的修养 班主任必读教育学论文:班主任语言艺术 怎么做好班主任工作 PHP 设置 PHPMyadmin 微信怎么设置隐藏,不让好友看到? 女朋友要登我的但是有些聊天记录不想给他看怎么办可以隐藏她看不了? 怎样隐藏好友不让别人看到 如何关闭微信拍一拍功能,脑瘫的功能? pokemmo战斗点在哪兑换神奥 pokemmo进化奇石加多少防御 pokemmo锁个体值道具都叫什么 学生作品集的设计和制作的目录 建信养老飞月宝存一万一个月收益是多少 建信养老飞月宝自动续期后,下一批的本金有没有加上上一期的利息? 从工资理财里面直接购买建信养老飞飞月宝还需要预约吗? 江苏城市阅读传媒有限公司怎么样? 江苏城市联合电视传媒有限责任公司怎么样? 苏州广电城市传媒有限公司怎么样? 淮安市城市名人文化传媒有限公司怎么样? 盐城市城市干线广告传媒有限公司怎么样? 江苏有一文化传媒有限公司怎么样? 苏州城市动力传媒股份有限公司怎么样? 江苏百思诚文化传媒有限公司怎么样? 城市互联文化传媒南通有限公司怎么样? 城投网用江苏传媒科技有限公司怎么样? 江苏银月文化传媒有限公司怎么样? 徐州城市空间文化传媒有限公司怎么样?