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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 17:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 08:37


A: Good morning Mr.Smith, How's going?
B: Great George! You doing ok?
A:Fantstic! So you enjoyed your flight? Everything doing ok there?
B: What can I say, the plane is just awesome!
A:Mr.Smith, welcome aboard our Rolls-Royce, I’m sure you will enjoy the trip with us as well.

In the car

B: so is everything all ready? Hotels? and every other things?
A: All ready sir! The only thing we need here, is you.
B: Good to hear.


A: hello, here is mr.Smith of XXX, is the room ready yet?
Waiter: Yes it’s all ready for Mr.Smith. Here is the key for the Royal VIP Room on the top floor.
A: Thank you. (To Mr.Smith) This way please sir.
B: What did you guys get for me?
A: the one that only the US president can get. We got it for you! Enjoy!


B: tell me something Gorge: how’s your wife doing?
A: Well, she’s doing ok, thank you for asking, I’m going to be a father.
B: OMG! Congratulations! So how’s the work, did you contact the XXX yet? The contract that we had with XXX last year, it will end this July, did they show any interest keep doing it?

A: Well the thing is: XXX is almost broke, so they can’t do it anymore.
B: That’s so sad. We have to find another company.
A: But they they said they were so broke that they had to sell the company, maybe you could help them?
B: Sell it? For how much?
A: I’m guessing it’s around 10 million US dollars.
B: that’s cheap. I can make 1 million per week. It sounds good. Call them tell them we are very happy doing business with them.
A: Alright then.


B: The flight number...seat...eh... is everything alright?
A: Yes sir, you are ready to aboard.
B: good to see you George. see you next time. By the way, thanks for telling me about XXX’s company, very helpful.
A: Anytime sir! have a safe flight!
B: take care George Wilson!
A: Bye Kyle Smith!
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