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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 17:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:44

you are my world
you are my dream
you're beyond preasure in my eyes(其实意译的话,更好一点就是you are the apple in my eyes:你是我的掌上明珠)
Do not tell me it's right or wrong
babe(对女人的叫法~) just believe me
you are the apple in my eyes

you are my angel
you are my sunshine
you are the apple in my eyes(这三句读起来很压韵呢 ,呵呵)

宝贝 对不起
babe,I'm sorry
I just gonna tell you that
you are the apple in my eyes

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:44

You are my world
You are my dream
You are the most precious in my eye
Don't tell me wrong or right
Baby, trust me,
you are the most precious.

You are my angel
You are my light
you are the most precious in my heart
Baby, I am sorry
I just wanna tell you
you are the most precious in my heart

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:45

You are my world,
You are my dream,
In my eyes, you are a treasure beyond price.
Don't tell me wrong, don't tell me right,
Baby, just believe it's no lie,
In my eyes, you are a treasure beyond price.

You are my angel,
You are my light,
In my heart, you are a treasure beyond price.
Baby, I am sorry,
Just want you to realize,
In my heart, you are a treasure beyond price.

押韵就不能完全精确, 不过意思大致相同了.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:45

You are my world
you are my dream
You are the treasure in my eyes
Do not tell me what is right or wrong
Baby, just trust me
you are the treasure in my eyes

You are my angle
You are my sunshine
You are the treasure in my heart
Baby, sorry
I just wanna tell you
You are the treasure in my heart

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:46

The whole world is you
In my dream is you
For me the most precious is you
True or false don't tell me
Baby just trust me
That in my eyes the most precious is you

My angel is you
My light is you
In my eyes the most precious is you
Baby, apology from me
The only words for you from me
That in my heart the most precious is you

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 06:47

You are my world
You are my dream
You are my most treasure thing
dont tell me you are right or wrong
baby believe me without saying anything wrong
in my eyes, you are the only thing i can own

you are the angle
you are the lightle
you are the most place i want to travel
baby,i'm sorry
i just want to let you know.
you are all my protential..

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