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rage的《forever》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 21:40



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 03:42

专辑:black in mind

From the beginning you learned that we all have to die,
You got so used to the fact that you don箃 wonder why.
you don箃 ask :
how does it feel to someone when the moment has come ?
When all is taken away, an existence is gone, who筶l be his guide ?
Take his soul and takes his mind
and his opened eyes stay blind.
Forever - you know there was someone inside,
the smile on these lips don箃 seem right.
Forever箂 a very long time.
Forever - these cheeks growing colder and grey,
a smile that is fading away.
Forever箂 a very long time.
You know it happens a thousand times every day.
But Lady luck is a bitch, won箃 stay at oneplace twice,
wipes a curl from your eye and kisses you goodbye, bye bye...
Leaves your soul and leaves your mind
and your broken eyes stay blind.
Forever ...
So take good care of what you say.
It might be coming back one day.
So take good care of what you do.
This chance might be the last for you.
Forever - forever and ever, forever箂 a very long time.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 03:41

专辑:black in mind

From the beginning you learned that we all have to die,
You got so used to the fact that you don箃 wonder why.
you don箃 ask :
how does it feel to someone when the moment has come ?
When all is taken away, an existence is gone, who筶l be his guide ?
Take his soul and takes his mind
and his opened eyes stay blind.
Forever - you know there was someone inside,
the smile on these lips don箃 seem right.
Forever箂 a very long time.
Forever - these cheeks growing colder and grey,
a smile that is fading away.
Forever箂 a very long time.
You know it happens a thousand times every day.
But Lady luck is a bitch, won箃 stay at oneplace twice,
wipes a curl from your eye and kisses you goodbye, bye bye...
Leaves your soul and leaves your mind
and your broken eyes stay blind.
Forever ...
So take good care of what you say.
It might be coming back one day.
So take good care of what you do.
This chance might be the last for you.
Forever - forever and ever, forever箂 a very long time.

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