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Your hair needs ___ (cut).It is too long.

发布网友 发布时间:18小时前



热心网友 时间:13小时前

The bike needs(wants, requires)repairing.
The bike needs(wants, requires)to be repaired.

热心网友 时间:13小时前

to be cut
need to be done需要被……样

热心网友 时间:13小时前

cutting need doing=need to be done,需要被.... 这是固定句型。这句话的意思是你需要理发了

热心网友 时间:13小时前


/言贵简洁。——《哈姆雷特》 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Hamlet 1.5) 天地之间有许多事情,是你的睿智所无法想象的。——《哈姆雷特》 /在这天地间有许多事情是人类哲学所不能解释的。 There is nothing either good or bad, but thinki...



and too unusual.However,egrets are because it's common,and oblivion its beauty.The snow-white body hair,it s a streamlined structure,the iron color growing,cyan's feet,one of the increasing by one of reducing too long,too short ...


its d___. 8.tigers usually live in the f___and the mountains. 9.its far from here.you had better c___a bus . d) thank you all the s___. e) do you n___any help , miss black? f) lets make it half past nine .no p___. g) this big box is too h___.i cant carr...


The little boy help Ben, too. So they were very happy. If you see someone needs help, please help him. I’m sure you will be very happy. ⑥ Dear Friend Thank You For your Love Dear friend Lucy, thank you for your love. We get on well with each other in day-to-day lives. As...

急求一篇英语文章 拜托啦

Oh, mother, trickling flow of the river is always flowing your long hair, a long long mountain is the backbone of your tough. Fill the fields as you have the treasure, you have great variety and beauty of the landscape, you have the magnificent Forbidden City, you have the Great Wall ...

全面的 英文翻译

全面的comprehensive。英[ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv]。美[ˌkɑmprɪˈhɛnsɪv]。1、全面的comprehensive。[例句]America needs a more comprehensive strategy to combat joblessness。美国需要一个更全面的战略来对抗失业。2、all-around,全面的。


15. Would you like (to cut) the apple into two halves?16. I’m hungry. Is there something (to eat)?17. Babies need their mother (looking) after them well.18. Be careful! In front of our bikes (lies) a big black dog.Ⅱ. 翻译句子 1、他今天有空,所以他有足够的...


Li Ming's brother gave him a good gift:a beautiful new mobile phone.And there are a lot of funny games in it such as the Fruit Minja and Tom Cat. Li Ming likes it very much so he wants to take it to school.But his parents don't allow him.If he takes it to school...


I don’t know how to describe her. She is a bit bad, yet a bit refreshing and pretty, a bit literate too. She likes to wakeup early in the morning and turn on the TV to watch百家讲坛(怎么翻译你自己看吧), she doesn’t like to put on shower lotion when she takes a ...

have hair cut get my hair cut short hair hair salon need与needs hairdryer hair style the needs cut hair
重本和一本一样吗 永劫无间是第几人称:小说叙事视角分析 名字未定(第三人称双男主 周霖 温宿) 我得了职业病〈轻度苯中毒〉,有职业病诊断证明书.工伤认定期间我没上... ...后来感觉麻烦,就直接去药店买药,他开了很多 这是十年前的功放,求高手看看那几个孔是什么? 车子断保险之后再交是一样的吗 车险断交后再续交 女性查激素六项什么时候检查 有一个素质很低下的室友是一种什么样的体验? 新鲜笋子煮麻辣鱼怎么做 笋子煮麻辣鱼的做法 如何进行湖南衡阳驾驶证扣分查询 我刚做淘宝分销,为什么有人下单了他的收货地址信息看不见后面的具体地址... 我代理的淘宝店铺好久没去看了,现在居然上面没有产品 国寿康宁相伴重疾险有必要买么? QQ幻想世界永乐城音乐下载 谁能帮助我给我的歪歪设计一下啊我玩的游戏是QQ幻想世界啊 脸上的痣,点痣的药水对人有伤害吗 QQ幻想世界YY礼包在哪领取? 怎样最快点亮QQ幻想世界? qq幻想世界yy是什么意思 QQ游戏欢乐斗地主一个号可以进几个房间? 各位师傅些,问下街边快修店能学吗 手机快修店铺选位置有什么要求吗?人流量多的地方我感觉不合适啊!_百 ... 数学计算ABCDE是5位数字乘3=ECDBA,求数ABCDE? abcdex4等于abcda,求abcde 数学题给你0至4个数求abcde相加等于db,ae和cd相加等于cc,ab相加等于... 济宁农校现在学校名叫什么 一道数学题目 ABCD×E=DCBA 求 ABCDE各是多少 济宁三加二学校有哪些 小学4年级数学题 求答案 :1ABCDE*3=ABCDE1求A=?B=?C=?D=?E=?_百度知... Your hair needs___.You'd better have it done tomorrow. Your hair needs to be cut.You'd better have it done tomorrow._百 ... the computer needs to be mend .这句话对不对 我搞不清楚mend 怎么变 ... 属狗的和属虎的9月份哪天结婚好? 高中语文《触龙说赵太后》教案 QQ幻想世界可玩性高吗?会不会枯燥呢? qq幻想世界81级不可以做哪些任务 20级以上玩家如何参加每周的机械大战活动? 正常男士护肤顺序 男士也要注意保养 QQ幻想世界好友不在线,我想送他东西怎么办,? 找个一起玩QQ幻想世界的做个伴 会玩的~我不会玩 但是我常在 可以学 我... QQ幻想世界美女主播叫什么? 电信卡 把流量用超了30元以后系统会给你300兆流量? 承诺最低消费200元 然后我打包流量打电话用了200 扣费还要扣200么? 所以想问下淘宝运营应该做什么? 内审与注册会计师审计的区别是什么 昙花到底开多久 昙花一朝开放几个小时? 昙花开放时间统一吗 ...在钢琴十级曲目《赋格》中,这段当中的“mi”还原号是什么意思... 关于 深do 还原Do ?