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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 09:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 12:14

1.I'm thirsty and I want a cup of tea.How about you?

2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.

3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.

4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.

5. The history museum is near the railway station.

6.It is the house in which ma grandpa has lived.

7.It is the funniest joke I have ever listened.

8.I have nothing to do here.

9.It is the chair on which I put my schoolbag.

10.Yesterday we had a meeting,at which his suggestion has been accepted.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 12:12

1.I am thirsty, want to drink a cup of tea. And you?
2.Since getting hurt in that accident, he is much more sluggish. 3.There are a lot of scenic spots in this city.
4.Because is with heavy rainfall, the growing situation of the crops is good this year.
5.The History Museum lies in the adjacent place of railway station. 6.That is the house where my grandfather has ever lived.
7.This is the best joke that smiled at that I ever listened to.
8.I have nothing to do here.
9.This is that chair that I put the schoolbag.
10.We held a meeting at yesterday, everybody accepted his suggestion at the meeting.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 12:20

1. I have been thirsty, wants to drink cup of tea. You?
2. since is injured after that accident, he was slow-acting many. in 3. this city has many scenic sites. because
4. the rain water is abundant, this year the crops growing trend is good.
5. History museum located at train station nearby.
6. that is my grandfather had lived the house.
7. this is I have listened the funniest joke.
8. does not have anything in here me to be possible to do.
9. this is I puts book bag's that chair.
10. we have had a meeting yesterday, everybody has accepted his suggestion at the meeting.

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