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...2.我不喜欢游泳和唱歌 3.他的爸爸和妈妈都喜欢看电视〔neither...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 07:56



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 05:10


Tom and Lucy often go skating.
附:经常,常常 often
总是 always
通常、平常 usually


I don't like (both) swimming and singing.
附:both A and B

3. 他的爸爸和妈妈都喜欢看电视
Both his father and his mother like watching television.
附:抱歉。。实在用不上什么neither of as

Both of us don't like swimming.

Both of them like playing football/soccer.

I look at both the Chinese translation and the English translation.

As for me, it's very important to study maths.

She needs half an hour for the homework every day.

I prefer dancing to playing football/soccer.

We will go climbing unless it doesn't rain tomorrow.
We will go climbing unless it rains tomorrow.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 05:17

1.Tom and Lucy often go skating.。
2 I don't like swimming and singing。
3 his father and mother both like to watch TV (neither of as。)
4 we both don't like swimming。
5 and they both like playing football。
6 I can see Chinese translation.Also see the English translation。
7 for me to learn maths is very important。
8 her homework half an hour every day。
9 and rather than play football.I love dancing。
10 unless it doesn't rain tomorrow.Or I go hiking 。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 05:15

1.Tom usually goes swimming with Lucy.
2.I like neither swimming nor singing.
3.Neither his father nor his mother likes watching TV.(neither of as 这个句型着实没见过,有neither of这个短语,这个短语的使用可以参照第4条)
4.Neither of us like swimming.
5.Both of them like playing football.
6.I read not only Chinese translation but also English translation.
7.It is very important for me to learn math.
8.It takes her half an hour to make the homework.
9.I prefer dancing to playing football.
10.I will go hiking unless it doesn't rain tomorrow.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 05:10

1.Tom and Lucy go skating very often.
2 I don't like swimming and singing.
3 Either his father or his mother like to watch TV (neither表示都不的意思,应该用either,不过非常奇怪的要求,很少用either))
4 Both of us don't like swimming.5 They all like playing football.
6 I check both Chinese translation and English translation.
7 Learning maths is very important for me.8 She needs half an hour every day to do homeworks.
9 Compare playing football.I love dancing much more.
10 I will go hiking unless it doesn't rain tomorrow.(看来这位喜欢雨中登山)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 05:16

1.Tom and Lucy often go skating.
2 I don't like swimming and singing
3 his father and mother both like to watch TV (neither of as)
4 we both don't like swimming
5 and they both like playing football
6 I can see Chinese translation.Also see the English translation
7 for me to learn maths is very important
8 her homework half an hour every day
9 and rather than play football.I love dancing
10 unless it doesn't rain tomorrow.Or I go hiking
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