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越努力 越幸运 英文翻译?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 07:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 07:41

The popular phrase "越努力 越幸运" in English can be translated as "The harder you work, the luckier you will be." Let's delve into the key vocabulary behind this expression:


This adjective, pronounced as /hɑ:d/ in British and /hɑ:rd/ in American English, can mean physically demanding, as in requiring a lot of effort. Mentally, it can also signify difficulty or challenges. As a modifier, 'hard' conveys intensity, strength, and even stubbornness. It can be used both as a noun referring to a hard surface or a tough situation, and as an adverb to describe effortful actions.


The verb 'work,' pronounced as /wɜ:k/ or /wɜ:rk/, implies the act of doing something to achieve a result or make something function. It can also mean a job or occupation, or the process of operating something. Verb forms like 'to work' or 'to make work' showcase the action of putting effort into an endeavor.


This noun, pronounced as /lʌk/, refers to the favorable circumstances, good fortune, or opportunities that one encounters. It can also be a verb, indicating a fortunate outcome or the act of experiencing good luck.

It's important to note that 'hard' can be used to evaluate difficulty or effort, often followed by 'for/to' or 'with' when referring to the effort put in. Meanwhile, 'hard of hearing' is a specialized term with a unique meaning.

In summary, the phrase "越努力 越幸运" encapsulates the idea that increased effort leads to greater favorable outcomes, translating directly to the English expression "The harder you work, the luckier you will be."

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