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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 07:30



热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 03:28

As Long As We Got Each Other

Show me that smile again
Oh, show me that smile
Don\'t waste another minute on your cryin\'
We\'re nowhere near the end
We\'re nowhere near
The best is ready to begin

All in a cloudy daze
I look into your eyes and see them shining out
Holding you close this way
Holding you this way
Is like having summer everyday
Ooh, ooh

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin\' right in our hands
Baby, you and me
We gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin\'

As long as we keep on givin\'
We can take anything that comes our way
Baby, rain or shine
All the time
We got each other
Sharin\' the laughter and love

Promise me here and now
Nothing but jokes
Will never come between us
You can depend on me
\'Cause I need you like the air I breathe
Oh, oh

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin\' right in our hands
Baby, you and me
We gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin\'

As long as we keep on givin\'
We can take anything that comes our way
Baby, rain or shine
All the time
We got each other
Sharin\' the laughter and love

As long as we got each other
We got the world spinnin\' right in our hands
Baby, you and me
We gotta be
The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin\'

As long as we keep on givin\'
We can take anything that comes our way
Oh, baby, rain or shine
All the time
We got each other
Sharin\' the laughter and love



热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 03:28

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