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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 17:05



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 10:04

1. Clear(清晰)
不清晰:We have a problem with the proct.
清晰:The proct is defective and needs to be replaced.
不清晰:We would like to request a meeting to discuss the matter.
清晰:Please arrange a meeting with us to discuss the matter.
2. Concise(简洁)
不简洁:I am writing to inform you that we have received your order and we would like to let you know that we are processing it and will ship it to you as soon as possible.
简洁:We have received your order and are processing it for shipment.
不简洁:I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work with you and your team, and I look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.
简洁:Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and your team. I look forward to future collaborations.
3. Complete(完整)
不完整:Please send us the report by Friday.
完整:Please send us the report on the progress of the project by Friday, including the budget and timeline.
不完整:We have received your complaint and are investigating.
完整:We have received your complaint regarding the defective proct and are investigating. We will provide you with further information as soon as possible.
4. Courteous(礼貌)
不礼貌:We are disappointed with your service and demand a refund.
礼貌:We are concerned about the service we received and would appreciate a refund.
不礼貌:Your company has made a mistake and needs to fix it immediately.
礼貌:We have identified an issue with the proct and would like your assistance in resolving it.
5. Considerate(考虑周到)
不考虑周到:We are unable to meet your request at this time.
考虑周到:We are unable to meet your request at this time, but we will keep it on file for future reference.
不考虑周到:Please provide us with the information we need.
考虑周到:We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the information we need at your earliest convenience.
6. Correct(正确)
不正确:We have recived your ordr and will process it shortly.
正确:We have received your order and will process it shortly.
不正确:Please send us your company's brochures, price list, and any other information that may be helpful.
正确:Please send us your company's brochures, price list, and any other information that may be helpful.
7. Concrete(具体)
不具体:Please send us the report as soon as possible.
具体:Please send us the report on the progress of the project by Friday, including the budget and timeline.
不具体:We need your assistance in resolving the issue.
具体:We need your assistance in resolving the issue with the defective proct, including a replacement or refund.
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