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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 14:37



热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 07:30

My Birthday Party
I had a happy birthday party on November,5th.I had so much fun.First,I ate the birthday-cake with my friends.It was very big and delicious.I held many games,like GET THE CHAIR,and so on.My friends enjoyed them a lot.I really hope my next birthday come soon.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 07:30


热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 07:30

A few days ago, I attended a friend's birthday party in our class, we play there is cricket. To like hockey, cricket is also holding a racket, but playing in his room. And is holding a ball slapping a ball with small holes. When we begin to be team consists of, the people are angry and surprised. Why is that? Because, to our team consists of that aunt seemed to know what we are thinking, threw us and our good friend points in different groups, but didn't also way, had to this. Alas! Later if I became the king, who put others and his friends in a different team, took him to the lions!

  The race began! Someone got the ball! He brought the ball to midfield, couldn't brought forward, and he passed in front of the players, the players had a man, and then shot, goal! Our spirit fell straight racket, their team shouted, cried, there is a person still at us quite a chest, head high head, as if to say: "you don't want to win our team forever!" I am even more angry at this time, very anxious t

热心网友 时间:2024-11-07 07:25

额 我英文不好 不好意思。。。
为什么来大姨妈胸会胀 少儿学什么舞蹈 青年学什么舞蹈好 成年人学什么舞蹈 福州企业最低工资标准 2013年厦门的底薪是多少 生产要素的需求有哪些性质 生产要素的需求有何特点? 什么是生产要素需求 微观经济学要素需求什么是条件要素需求?它和要素需求有什么不同?_百度... ...派对做哪些准备。请以Abirthdayparty为题,写一篇小短文 美国工业软件来卡脖子了,哈工大、哈工程被禁用MATLAB,能否激励... 股癣是怎么一回事呢 什么癣会痒 得了股藓,有点严重,大腿内侧和屁股上一片连一起的,请问有人有治愈的... 我想知道这是湿疹还是手癣 应该如何治疗 求各位好心人... ...只用55万便在北京买下别墅,这么多年过去了,如今翻几倍? 游戏怪奇物语哪里订阅 两千万什么概念 电视突然没有图像只有中间一道白光 有两千万算什么 黑白电视白光删除怎么办 大庆实验中学尖子班多少人 黑涩会美眉和棒棒堂一起参加过什么节目啊??? 谁给我个以前春节晚会那些经典老歌~!【我的中国心】之类,要好听的... 如何才能够合理的管理钱财? 市政局是做什么的 城市桥梁管理养护规划探索与实践基本信息 校园周边道路交通安全管理措施 衡阳火车站晚上十二点有到邵东的汽车吗? 体癣长什么样 ...组织一个生日派对,请写一份邀请函,英语作文,,急用,,, 女人得股癣最先起在什么地方? ...生日聚会,邀请他的朋友来参加。假如你是李雷 根据下图所示,以“My Birthday Party”为题写一篇短文。 癣的症状与治疗 如果不是本地户口.可以申请本地银行的信用卡吗?拜托各位了 3Q_百度知 ... 在武汉光谷太阳城开个火锅店都需要什么 男人腹股沟长股癣会传染女人吗? 有两千万算什么 怎样快速治疗癣 两千万什么概念 我想知道这是湿疹还是手癣 应该如何治疗 求各位好心人... 有两千万算什么 得了股藓,有点严重,大腿内侧和屁股上一片连一起的,请问有人有治愈的... 两千万什么概念 臀部有癣十分痒,挠一下脱白干皮,用什么药能治疗?有求热心网友老师指教... 治疗体癣最好的药?我该用什么 我想知道这是湿疹还是手癣 应该如何治疗 求各位好心人... 胳膊长癣我想治疗的快一点,用什么药较好