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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 14:26



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 08:11

The most outrageous initiative put forward by US President Biden ring his "trip to Asia" is to make Japan another permanent member of the Security Council and even use Japan to replace Russia. But now it seems that the ambition of the United States is not just to promote Japan to become a permanent member, but to directly replace the United Nations Security Council. However, such ambition was expressed through the mouth of a small Eastern European country - the UN Security Council has been "paralyzed" and the G-7 should take over the world order.

More and more outrageous, Lithuania once again said that the G7 group should replace the UN Security Council

Observer.com reported on the 30th that if the previous expansion of NATO and the establishment of several international groups dominated by western countries were only an obscure way for western countries to control the world order, the ambitions of western countries would be more undisguised after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Lithuania, which has always been the spokesman of the United States in Eastern Europe, directly and boldly claimed that the G7 formed by the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan and Canada is the "democratic Council".

The Lithuanian foreign minister said that because of Russia's "aggression" in Ukraine, Lithuania has no possibility to repair relations with Russia, and other countries do not allow such "aggressors" to act recklessly, but the UN Security Council, as the manager of the world order, has "paralyzed" on this serious issue and has never been able to come forward to prevent the "war of aggression". Therefore, Lithuania believes that the "recognized Democratic Security Council" of the G7 should replace the UN Security Council.

More and more outrageous, Lithuania once again said that the G7 group should replace the UN Security Council

The most outrageous thing is that the Lithuanian foreign minister also advocated that once a "Democratic Security Council" such as the G7 came forward, the Russian Ukrainian issue could be solved immediately. Not only that, the foreign minister also touted Britain's "great achievements". He said that Britain was the "model" of all European countries. After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Britain was the first to arm Ukraine and help Ukrainians resist the Russian army. Britain's action was to save the paralyzed world order.

It has to be said that Lithuania, which has always been the spokesman of the United States, is making such remarks to convey the will of western countries such as the United States and Britain. At the same time, it also allows the United States and Britain to no longer hide their ambition to take over the world order. In fact, from the existing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we can also see the ambition of the United States - to promote the world order led by the United States to cover Europe.

More and more outrageous, Lithuania once again said that the G7 group should replace the UN Security Council

Last month, the Russian Foreign Minister criticized that the Russian Ukrainian conflict might not have occurred if it had not been for the intervention and arming of western countries. If it had not been for the "dangerous action" of western countries in Ukraine, the military action of the Russian army would have ended long ago. The current Russian Ukrainian conflict has completely turned into a collision between Russia and the United States. Russia will not allow the world order dominated by the United States to cover Europe.

One is the United States, which wants to reshape the European order and even take over the international order, and the other is Russia, which wants to break the blockade and break through the shackles. The two countries have irreconcilable contradictions. As long as such threats are not resolved, the confrontation and conflict between the two countries will not end.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 08:12


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 08:12


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 08:13

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