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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 14:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 12:35

Charles Babbage is generally considered to have invented the first computer.

Little Jim should love to be taken to the theatre this evening.

— I usually go there by train.

— Why not try going by boat for a change?

John was made to wash the truck for a week as a punishment.

She reached the top of the hill and stopped to rest on a big rock by the side of the path.

She pretended not to see me when I passed by.

Though he had often made his sister cry, today he was made to cry by his sister.

Tell him not to shut the window.

It made her sick to think of the matter.

The woman’s job is to look after the disable children.

She demanded to be told everything.

It’s time to begin our league meeting.

She was the last one to make the experiment.

I’m hungry. Get me something to eat.

Would you like me to show you around the place?

She is said to have lost the necklace.

What do you think is the best way to settle the problem?

You are expected to retell the story.

I didn’t want the problem to be raised again.

Have you had the nurse taken your son’s temperature?

First we should find a hotel at which to put up for the night.

You’d better not wake me up when you come in.

I don’t think you need to leave today.

She hurried to school, only to find out it was Sunday.

Here are some exercises that need to be done after class.

I’ve been waiting for half an hour for you to give me the phone call.

Everything seems to be going smoothly.

It was thoughtful of you to send us the map of the city.

You are fortunate to have been accepted as a member of the club.

It wasn’t pleasant to be woken up so early.

I find these problems are easy to work out.

How rude of him to treat a child like that.

It was stupid of him not to attend the lecture.

Lost time can’t be made up.

The shoes are too large for me to wear.

It was I who was sorry to have made such a silly mistake.

I’ll be delighted to see you again.

He was too tired to walk any further.

Will you be so kind to make tea for me?

The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to sit on.

I am puzzled how to answer the question.

Have you decided whether to hold the party?

He doesn’t know whether to stay or not.

Last summer I took a course on how to make dresses.

He hesitated whether to take the medicine.

How do the birds know exactly in which direction to fly?

— I don’t know what to do with the problem.

— Why not ask your teacher for advice?

I think he should get a job, but you can’t force him to get it if he’s not ready.

Yes, I’d like to go to the ball.

No, and I don’t want to be in charge of this.

To tell the truth, I don’t want to go.

I’d rather read something at home than go to the park in such weather.

We could do nothing but ask Father for help.

He wanted nothing but to be seated in the corner.

It takes about two years to build such a big dam.

How much did it cost to rebuild the house?

It requires patience to be a good nurse.
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