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有木有哪位翻译帝来翻一下 玛丽的微笑这篇小短文 。。中翻英

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 14:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 07:05

My belief "Book
I read "My faith," the article, because I know that Marie Curie was a great scientist won the Nobel Prize twice, so when I saw this article, read it with great care. Marie Curie his wife for life to the development of science and hard work in the laboratory, which is one of Marie Curie's noble character, I summed up the article of faith around the Marie Curie wrote two points.
The first point is: not known. Famous people that give Marie Curie to express the people's respect for her, Marie Curie will be very happy I did not expect ever to pursue Marie Curie's work is quiet and simple family life , so she tried to maintain a quiet environment, so as to avoid interference by the personnel and the famous drag, which is worthy of my learning. before in Fengdu,
The second point is: not for money. Marie Curie believe in science, not the cause of her interest on the money when the first gram of radium, when she found her faith so she can not go against her concept of pure research, which She did not apply for radium patent, abandoned a large fortune. Some say she was stupid, but she insisted she was right, she thought, "It is true that human beings need to pay attention to real people, they get a lot of paid work, but human need dreamers - they strongly attracted by the cause, neither the leisure nor passion to seek material gain. "This makes me even more admiration for the two great Nobel Prize-winning scientists of the article The last writes: "A qualified research scientists, is not only a technician, but as a child, as if fascinated by fairy tales in general, fascinated by the scenery of nature." I have "fascinated" My love, otherwise it will become a "hodgepodge" - Bo and not refined. "We must believe that we have everything to talent, and, regardless of any price, this thing should be completed when This thing is over, you should be able to have a clear conscience say: I have done my best to the. "Madame Curie's famous words should be my motto.

"I always work and the simple pursuit of quiet family life. To achieve this vision, I strive to maintain a quiet environment to interference from personnel and famous drag." This is Marie Curie's famous phrase. Savor, seemingly placid remark, but far-reaching implication. Agree 0 | Comments
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