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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 09:35



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 22:04

1, the waiting car civilization
When waiting, should line up, stand at the edge of a road or on the platform waiting for, should not be crowded in the driveway, but not allowed to stand in the road. In addition, ride the public vehicle, should comply with the public order, pay attention to social ethics, pay attention to traffic safety.
2, across the road safety
The intermediate vehicle barrier. On the car, car by the station should be stopped, let the passenger car is finished,and then according to the sequence of the car, do not rush to the fore. After getting on the bus, should take the initiative to buy tickets, the initiative to give seats to the old, the disabled, pregnant women or patients, a baby in her arms the passengers. When the vehicle is running, to pull the armrest, head, hands can not be out of the window, to avoid traffic collision. Get off, to turn the line, don't be hard pushed to squeeze. After getting off the bus, should immediately on the sidewalk. Need to crossing the driveway, sidewalk through from the rear; do not in front of rapidwear, it is not safe.
3, the game is strictly prohibited
The road is built to transport facilities. The stream never stops flowing. of vehicles on the road. The traffic is heavy, if we play, freely on the road game, chase, treat it as a "game", after school on the road opened the "Scene" football,badminton, hinder the vehicles will be ruthless hurt vehicle. On the sidewalk jump "rubber band", rope skipping,shuttlecock, will bring difficulties to the pedestrian access, is impeding traffic. On the road to chase chase play, the front car jaywalk, even threw stones, it is more likely to have an accident, some other students, because they do not know how to play on the road hazards, even threw stones at the car in the middle of the road car, car chases, taking off and, as the music, this is the most the most dangerous move, once was knocked down by a car, consequencesbe unbearable to contemplate.
We have to remind each other, bold discouraged, when a maintenance Traffic Safety "plugger".
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