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Can You Keep A Secret? (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:23小时前



热心网友 时间:22小时前

歌曲名:Can You Keep A Secret? (Album Version)
歌手:The Cab
专辑:Whisper War

The Cab - Can You Keep A Secret
It's true that I'm a silver shadow
And you are always on my mind
You, you need to get over here
We'll disappear
Your secret's safe
And no one has to know
I'm your getaway
And a little bit more than you can take
I can make
Everything feel so damn good
I could have sworn
We disappeared tonight
Come on and dance with me
Come on and dance with me, baby
And don't you know
I just appeared tonight?
You wanna dance with me
You wanna dance with me all night
Nobody there will ever see us
Don't talk, don't walk
It's just the two of us
Dance with me
Dance with me
Come on and dance with me
Dance with me, baby
Soon we're heading to a place
Where I'll prove
I'm all you want and more
You, you need to let it unfold
Just like you're told
Your secret's safe
And no one has to know
I'm your getaway
And a little bit more than you can take
I can make
Everything feel so good
I could have sworn
We disappeared tonight
Come on and dance with me
Come on and dance with me, baby
And don't you know
I just appeared tonight?
You wanna dance with me
You wanna dance with me all night
Nobody there will ever see us
Don't talk, don't walk
It's just the two of us
Dance with me
Dance with me
Come on and dance with me
Dance with me, baby
Soon we're heading to a place
Where I'll prove
I'm all you want and more
You, you need to let it unfold
Just like you're told
Your secret's safe
And no one has to know
I'm your getaway
And a little bit more than you can take
I can make
Everything feel so good
I could have sworn
We disappeared tonight
Come on and dance with me
Come on and dance with me, baby
And don't you know
I just appeared tonight?
You wanna dance with me
You wanna dance with me all night
Nobody there will ever see us
Don't talk, don't walk
It's just the two of us
Dance with me
Dance with me
Come on and dance with me
Dance with me, baby

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