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The story is about the second end of the century, the Nazis held in Paris in a Cup race for two well-trained team and Allied prisoners of war team. Prisoners of war is also no shortage of ball players, but has no intention of real competition, just want to take the opportunity to dig escape tunnels. However, in the official competition, they are encouraged by the 50,000 spectators in France, the change in flight plan, the German army defeated in court.
John. Houston, director of the prison camp novel based on the film. The film is the finale of the game film the focus of an atmosphere of control and performance skills are very good, Pele soccer players and a number of European prisoners of war in the film played for a major feature film.
If not for the 54th Academy Awards judges collective nap, so that when the Oscars Oscar will no doubt the best ever awarded a football movie "The Great Escape", this from the United States and Britain jointly produced in 1981 Apart from the football blockbuster at the time such as the Hard Day Fangzhong Stallone Starring superstar, but also include Pele and Franz Beckenbauer (introduced here in error, Beckenbauer did not take part in performances. In addition to Tony Lee outside the most famous legendary England star should be more than后卫博Moore, in 1966 England World Cup team), as well as a large number of the last century, the early 80s purple red football star who. World War II story based on real facts for some time about the composition of a group of Allied prisoners of war defeat of Nazi Germany's soccer team, in order to crush its attempt to use a football match the morale of the Allied defeat of the conspiracy.
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