发布时间:2024-10-24 18:39
时间:2024-11-10 14:03
一、有些东西根本不配占据你的情绪,人生就是场体验,请你尽兴一点。Some things don't deserve to occupy your emotions. Life is an experience. Enjoy it.
二、心静了世界就静了,你要试着安静下来做自己该做的事,而不是让焦虑烦恼毁掉你的热情和定力。When you are quiet, the world will be quiet. Try to be quiet and do what you need to do, instead of letting anxiety ruin your enthusiasm and concentration.
三、上天不会做出无缘无故的决定,有时候让你放弃和等待,只是为了给你更好的。God doesn't make decisions for no reason, sometimes let you give up and wait, just to give you better.
四、这个世界上值得热爱的东西太多,等我们发现这一点,就不会畏惧痛苦和失去。别害怕孤单,你要学会,对热爱的东西不遗余力。There is so much to love in this world, and when we discover this, we will not be afraid of pain and loss. Don't be afraid to be lonely. Learn to spend your time on what you love.
五、若无其事,是最好的报复;何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己。Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge; Why not to prove anything to people who are not worth it, to live better, is for yourself.
六、无论你现在多么不堪,你都要记住,日子是过以后的,不是过以前的。No matter how bad you are now, you should remember that the life is after, not before.
七、我们必须学会不慌不忙地过日子,耐心去耕耘,不要急着去收获,也别管别人收获了什么,日子到了你的收获自然就有了。We must learn to live in a leisurely way, to work patiently, not to be so anxious to harvest, and do not worry about what others have harvested, your harvest will come when the time comes.
八、没有结果的时候,就好好睡一觉;不用太责怪自己,你也是很努力才走到这里。When nothing comes of it, get a good sleep. Don't blame yourself too much. You've worked hard to get here.
九、阳光不止来自太阳,还可以来自你自己的内心。The sun doesn't just come from the sun, it can also come from your own heart.
十、生活不是战场,无需一较高下;生活也不是选秀,何需互相攀比;生活就像一杯白开水,冷也好,热也罢,适合自己就好!Life is not a battlefield, where contests are not necessary. Life is not a draft, why need to compare with each other; Life is like a cup of boiled water, cold or hot, suitable for their own good!
十一、对别人要求松一点,就不会总失望;对自己要求严一点,就不会总沮丧。To others a little slack, will not always disappointed; Be strict with yourself, so you won't always be depressed.
十二、每个人都是上帝咬过的一口苹果,都是有缺陷的,有的人缺陷比较大,那是因为上帝特别喜欢他的芬芳。Everyone is an apple that god has bitten. They are all defective. Some people have bigger defects because god likes his fragrance.