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...thing in my eyes,初中水平,一分钟以内,急求。谢谢。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-16 23:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 04:09


热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 04:15


热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 04:15

For the "Outlook Star English Talent Competition" ?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 04:13

Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. As a freshman, I am honored to be here, but I hope that my performance today will not be so “ fresh”!

What is the greatest invention in my eyes? First of all, would you please watch your wrist? (pause),,,,,,, Did you see anything around your wrist? Yes, maybe someone of you have got my answer. It is the watch, or clock.

Why clock is so important?
Just imagine, if all the clocks (including the things which have a “clock” function such as mobile phones) in your life are taken away completely, what will happen?
At first, you might feel fine and live your life comfortably and normally without any disorder. But I can assure you, several days later; you will be in a panic and feel lost. The reason is that Clock, the essential reminder of our life, tells us when to arise and sleep, when to play and when to work. With clock, man is able to arrange everything in an apple-pie order. He even knows how long to keep that pie in the oven. Without clock, I cannot even stand on this stage at this time tonight, and either, you would not sit there.

Furthermore, clock represents more than its face value. To me, clock, is Time.
Through clocks, we learn that the art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. Thus, set a clock accurately and efficiently in your life. Or else your life would turn to be aimless.
Through clocks, we are warned that life is never just being. It changes every second. So, value every bit of your time or your life will be wasted.

Therefore, I say clock is the greatest invention in my eyes.
Now, listen to your clock.. Clock is ticking, time is ticking and your life is ticking too.
So, watch your watch, and value your time.

Oh, I am afraid through my watch says my time is up, so I have to stop here. Thank you.
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