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发布网友 发布时间:2天前



热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 16:51

1/ what's the temperature?
2/ Below / Here is the weather forcast.
3/ How strange the weather is! / What strange weather it is!
4/ I see/saw many people doing exercise in the park.
5/ Days get longer and longer.
6/ There is going to be a shower this afternoon.
7/ The wind blows gently through the woods one by one.
8/ Everyone is looking forward to spring. / Everyone hopes for spring.
9/ The weather here is neither too hot nor too cold.
10/ Thank you for your help. This is my first time to look after a baby.
11/ May I push you?
12/ It's time to stop swinging.
13/ Flowers may be seen in May or June.
14/ I love spring because there are such interesting activities.
15/ What is the weather like today? How is the weather today?
16/ I don't hope so! I am afraid of thunder.
17/ The sunrise is at 7:25 and the sunset is at 6:09.
18/ I don't need to weat either my thick winter clothes or boots.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 16:52


1/ what's the temperature?2/ Below / Here is the weather forcast.3/ How strange the weather is! / What strange weather it is!4/ I see/saw many people doing exercise in the park.5/ Days get longer and longer.6/ There is going to be a shower this afternoon.7/ ...

初二英语 汉译英 速求!~

1、如果我有钱的话,我就去北京。If I have money, I'll go to Peking.2、如果你明天有空的话,请给我打电话。If you are free tomorrow, please call me.3、如果TOM学习不努力,他的父母就会很难过。If Tom doesn't study hard, his parents will be sad.4、我会一直等到你回来为止。I...

八年级英语 汉译英

do sth for the first time daily activity What were you doing when the UFO arrived?When the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.You can imagine how strange it is.


1 Let's climb the mountain on weekend.2 The students went into the classroom one by one.3 Flowers come out everywhere in spring.4 Our city has changed a lot .5 The bus is coming.

初二英语 汉译英

1.My brother is good at swimming.MY brother does well in swinning.(be good at =do well in)2.He spent 10 yuan to buy a pen.He paid 10 yuan for a pen.(已经买完了,应该是过去时吧!)3.He perfer swimming than skating.He perfer swim to skate.(perfer...than...比......


3 The tower is made of stone ,it is 100 meters high.4 They didn't go to the centry park by bus,did they ?5 We will stay in the centry park for a whole day.6 Tell them,be late for the meeting is not important 7 More and more foreigners are learning Chinese today ...

八年级英语 汉译英

remember doing/to do sth 在历史上 in the history 在近代美国历史上 in Modern history of American 最重要的事件之一 one of the most important thing 听说 heard of 多于;超过 more than 玩的高兴 have a good/big time 沉默的做某事 do sth silently 在当今时代 nowadays ...


1、taken , as usual 2、Yesterday afternoon, my parents and teachers had an interview about my English study.3、used to 4、Most of the people here last ride bicycle to go to work 5、Here is very quiet past, surrounded by mountains, and the air is fresh 6、The doctor ...

八年级英语 汉译英

If I become a lawyer, I can help the farmers.3 如果你去参加晚会,你会玩的很高兴。If you go to the party, you will have a lot of fun.4 如果你出名了,人们将一直关注你。If you become famous, people will constantly pay attention to you.5 这个男孩一直在家吃午饭。Th...


He was hungry,so he went to the kitchen to eat something.

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