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热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:42

My classmate John was the boy of my dreams. His black hair was always cut just so, and his bangs hung straight down on his forehead. His black eyes were the blackest of blacks, and when he smiled...oh, that smile. His entire face lit up, He had the straightest, whitest teeth I'd ever seen. He was a dream.
Hi, can I place my order now? I would like to have a spring roll for my appetizer. The main course will be Chicken with broccoli with white rice. And I would like to have a vanilla ice cream for my dessert. That's it. Thank you. Oh, Can I have a glass of ice water, please?
Hi, John, how is your weekend?
Great! I went to a birthday party. I did some shopping and I bought some of the stuff I really like. There was a big sale in Best Buy. I did accomplish a lot of things. The only problem is that it is too short. How is yours?
A cat is a nice pet to keep. It has soft fur, long whiskers and beautiful eyes, sharp paws. It can be nice and quiet when it is relaxing. It can be fierce and scary when it sees its enemy---mice.
I really enjoy collecting stamps. I can learn so many things, things in the sky, things on earth, and things under the sea. Stamps take me to the jungle, to the desert, to the ocean, as a matter of fact, to every corner of the world. I learn a lot about celebrities of the world, special events, and inventions of famous scientists. I just love it.
school rules
! Follow directions.
2. Respect school and personal property.
3. Take turns and share with others.
4. Use kind words.
5. No calling out.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:42

1.describe the appearance of your fellow
2.choose dishes from a menu
3.Talk about what you did last weekend
4.describe the animals
5.Talk about the things you like or do not like and give the opinions
6.Talk about the rules of school

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:42

我汗 是交编对话不是叫你翻译他的主题哎楼上的老兄

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:43

2: A:can i help you?
B:yes,i want a chicken and a soup.
A:anything else?
B:well,i would like a Italy pizza.And do you have tea?the tea without anything in it .
B:yes,we have chinese tea .can i take your order now?
A:ok ,that is all.thanks
B:It is my pleasure.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 18:44

A;What did you do,yesterday?
B;I went to the zoo.
A;Whta did you see?
B;I saw many animals,such as pandas,dogs,cats,penguns,and so on.
A;Were the dogs cute?
B;Yes,tery were very friendly to us.
A;Oh,did you think the pandas were lazy?
B;I dind't think so.They were lovely.
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