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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 13:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:06


My enemies are many, my equals are none. In the shade of olive trees,
they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharoahs and
kings, they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forest
and snow, they said russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing.
They fear me, like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. I
say I am Napoleon, I am emperor. Burn it!
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