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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 20:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 22:16

My Family(家庭)

I have a happy family. My mother, father, sister, my grandma(奶奶) and me. They are all my family members(家庭成员). I love them very much.

My mom is forty years old. Her hair is curly(卷卷的) and short. She is very kind (温柔)to me. She wears a pair of glasses. Both she and I (我们两个)like to read the magazine “DUZHE”. My mom is also good at cooking.

However, my mom always says,”Your father is very fat now. I will not make breakfast(早餐) for him every weekend(周末).

My mom’s right, my father is fat, because(因为) he likes eating chocolates(巧克力). I think(想) it is bad for his teeth. He is getting old; he is fifty years old now. He loves us very much. He also(也) wears a pair of glasses. He is a teacher(老师), he likes to read books and his class(课堂) is very interesting(有趣). I love him very much.

My father always says, “I have two little monkeys(猴子). One is fat and the other is thin. “

Actually(其实), the fat monkey is my sister. She has a big belly(肚子). She’s fat but she’s cute(可爱). She likes to play with dolls(布娃娃). Her favorite(最喜欢的) colour is pink. She’s young(年轻), only eight years old. So she likes cartoon(卡通) very much. But she hates(讨厌) to study. But in my eyes(在我的眼里), she is a very interesting girl.

She always says, “I have a bigger(更大的) monkey, do you know(知道) who it is?”

Oh, it’s me! I hate(讨厌) to listen to this, because I don’t like the name “the bigger monkey”. I am ten years old. I like to play computer(电脑) games(游戏), but I can only play at weekends(周末). I like to eat candies, but my teeth are bad. I am not a bad girl. I want to make friends(交朋友) with everyone(大家). My favorite colour is purple. Because(因为) I think it is a kind of beautiful(美丽,漂亮) colour. I like to eat grapes(葡萄), too. It‘s my favorite fruit(水果). Now, I am studying(学习) in Shanghai(上海) Gold Apple School. I’m good at English(英文), but I’m weak(不好,不熟悉) in Chinese(中文).

I always say,” There is a tiny(很小) monster(怪物) in our house. Do you know who it is?”

It is just a dog, my pet(宠物)! A white Pomeranian(博美), how cute(可爱) it is! Its fur(绒毛) is as white as snow. Its eyes are very big and look very cute. I like to play with it. It is a male(雄的) dog and it likes to play with another dog, especially(特别是) females(雌的). It likes to sleep under the piano. Because I play the piano every day in the evening. (I think my dog likes to listen to the music)All of us like it very much.

My grandpa is not in the world, now. He is in the heaven(天堂), with the god(上帝). We miss him very much. I always dream(梦见...) that he is still beside me, smiling happily, but it’s just a dream……

My grandma is old. We need to make her happy and warm(温暖). But it’s easy(简单), because we have a happy family.

This is my happy family, it is full of happiness(快乐). I love it very much.
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