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以"My Saturday"按要求写一篇短文。字数60左右。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 22:07



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 10:05

Hello! I’m Leo.I’m going tohave a happy weekend.On Saturday morning,I’m going to the library by bus. I’m going to read a magazine and some comic book.On Saturday afternoon,I’m going to my friend’s home on foot. We are going to play sports together.On Sunday,I’m going to the Happy Farm by car. I’m going togo fishing.In the evening, I’m going to visit my uncle.We’re gong to watch TV together. That will be fun!What about you? What are you going to do this weekend?

Today is Saturday. It’s a sunny day.My family are taking a trip. There is river, some flowers, some trees and some mountains. Look! my brother is catching butterflies now. Amy is playing with water. The rabbit is eating grass. One bird is flying in the sky. The other one isdrinking water. The fish is swimming in the river. The sky is very blue. The air is fresh. They are very happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 10:06

my saturday is very funny.i get up at 8a.m.then i do my homework until 11a.m.at moom,i eat lunch with my family.in the afternoon,i often wacth TV.i usully play with my friends at 4p.m.i eat supper at 6p.m.i go to bed at 10p.m.i like my saturday!(没大写

热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 10:06

My Saturday
I had a great Sarurday, because some on gave me a helping hand, otherwise, the article you read is writtern by the one who I asked on the webside, and I did not give him any rewards, therefore, I feld so happy, because I do not have to write this suck stuff by myself. everybody knows we did not live in english surrounding. and we still have to learn this sucking language.However, this just complain. My Saturday was so good without any paper work`
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