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汉译英 翻译论文摘要 求教高人 翻译器勿扰谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-13 23:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:10

With the impact of new media and newspaper media, the fierce competition, increasing the depth of reporting favored by the paper media, as increased media visibility and reputation of the killer.
In recent years, emerged a group known for the depth of newspaper reports, such as "China Youth Daily", "Southern Weekend", "Window of the South" and so on. The depth of color can make a media report to fame, "Southern Weekend" is reported to dominate the depth, the depth of coverage in areas that other media can offer. I found in the access to information on the "Southern Weekend," the article mostly depth reports of the advantages of their depth reports, and reports on their reports very few problems. Decided by a point and the surface to be analyzed, involving the definition of the depth of coverage, the characteristics of the Southern weeks depth reports, problems,
And try to analyze the cause, in order to make useful recommendations for the problem <用服务器翻译的,你做个参考,》

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:14

With the impact of new media and newspaper media coverage of the fierce competition in the depth of our publications, more and more the favour of media, improve visibility and the reputation of the killer.
In recent years, a newspaper reported on the depth of the famous, such as the China youth daily, the southern weekend ", "the window", etc. Impress depth reports can make a campaigner, the media in southern weekend is reported in depth, depth of field outshine other media reported that difficult to follow the. The author found in data access to the southern weekend ", the article reports the depth is mostly research report about the advantages and problems in the report of the few reports. Then decide from point to surface to the analysis of the definition, reports, the characteristics, the depth of the week reported problems, and try to analysis the reason of the problems, in order to solve the problem put forward Suggestions.
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