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Tata Young演唱的曼谷亚运会会歌 Reach for the star

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 08:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 12:09

在线看 http://www.*.com/watch?v=p4_fZHKRRT0

Reach for the star

From the day we're born in the wide world
We are born with missions to keep
There are calls, from voices in despair,
to love, to share, to give

From the sea, the hills and the cities,
Smiling faces, best of the best
Listen to the calls, here we are standing tall,
To love, to share, to give

Reach for the star
Fly high as we can
Brave the wind, move the mountain
We can do it, yes, we can,

Reach for the star,
Ride the clouds and the rainbow,
Dreams to borrow,
Dreams..............to inspire

From the sea, the hills and the cities
Marching in together with pride,
There's more t the game, its victory unclaimed,
For someone who dares to try

Reach for the star
Fly high as we can
Brave the wind, move the mountain
We can do it, yes, we can,

Reach for the star,
Ride the clouds and the rainbow,
Dreams to borrow,
Dreams..............to inspire

We finally found no matter win or lose,
Silver, gold or bronze or not at all
The joy we share will always linger in our hearts
Let's make a vow, before we start

Reach for the star
Fly high as we can
Brave the wind, move the mountain
We can do it, yes, we can,

Reach for the star,
Ride the clouds and the rainbow,
Dreams to borrow,
Dreams..............to inspire

Reach for the star
Fly high as we can
Brave the wind, move the mountain
We can do it, yes, we can,

Reach for the star,
Ride the clouds and the rainbow,
Dreams to borrow,
Dreams..............to inspire

Reach for the star,
We're asian friends
Reach for the star.
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