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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 08:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 11:02

Fighter - 中岛美嘉/加藤美穂
英语词:Seiji Motoyama
Now I know that the truth

sometimes hides in the dark

Burning bright like a flame

Couldn't see who you are

Standing on solid ground

Light a flame, it's gonna take you higher

Passion strong, a savage warrior

Can't escape, I feel the heat from your fire

You're the one that I live for

You fight the fight each day, a lonely battle

When you're gone I only want you more

But you're oh so far away, please stay with me now
Tell me that you're feeling me,
say the words I can't speak
Doesn't matter where you are I'm listening
You're the one that I live for
Keep fighting fighter, fighter, fighter, fighter

A feeling stronger than love
A battle that will be won
A story that will live on
forever and ever
A feeling stronger than love
A battle that will be won
A story that will live on
forever and ever
I miss you, wanna hold you
Gonna need you, everything you do
Upside down, I can feel your kiss
I'm gonna miss, I'm staring out of windows
It's the only way to fly high
and I feel the pressure but I never cry
'cause I know you'll be here for me
One & only, it's you
I love you so
Every time you go away
Deep inside, my heart is crying for you
but I'm never lonely
'cause you're coming back some day

Never stop, there's no doubt
'cause I believe in you
You're the one that I live for
Just close my eyes and I can feel the power
Run away but you just can't ignore
I feel your spirit grow, it lives deep inside me
Don't you ever lose the faith
We will see a better day
When you've lost your way it's time to start again
You're the one that I live for
A lonely fighter, fighter, fighter, fighter

Where are you from?

Where do you go?
Show me the way, I'll follow

I'm so confused
I can't deny wanna hide from the pain and sorrow
When you're feeling so low
I will be there for you just call my name I will know
You don't need a reason
When I think about you these feelings they grow

I love you more
You're the one that I live for
You fight the fight each day, a lonely battle

And I know that justice will enre

Long as you keep on fighting, keep on trying
They may beat you to the ground
And you think you can't go on
You will always find a way if you believe
You're the one that I live for
Keep fighting fighter, fighter, fighter, fighter
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